Logo and texts that reads U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, "Beats"  In Public Affairs

Areas of coverage ("news beats") in the Washington Office headquarters of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service are:

Endangered Species
Cindy Hoffman (cindy_hoffman@fws.gov), Ben Ikenson(ben_Ikenson@fws.gov)
Fisheries and Habitat Conservation
Ken Burton (ken_burton@fws.gov)
International Affairs, Law Enforcement
Patricia Fisher (pat_fisher@fws.gov)
Migratory Birds
Chris Tollefson (chris_tollefson@fws.gov)
Nicholas Throckmorton(nicholas_throckmorton@fws.gov)
Other topics
Mitch Snow (mitch_snow@fws.gov)
Phone: (202) 208-5634
Fax: (202) 219-2428
Department of the Interior, Mail Stop 3359
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240

There are media contacts in the seven regional offices as well.

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