Third Symposium on Crime and Punishment in the United States

The Third Symposium on Crime and Punishment in the United States: Symposium on Federal Sentencing Policy for Economic Crimes and New Technology Offenses (October 12–13, 2000) at The Tech Center of the George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, Virginia.


News Release


Thursday, October 12, 2000
Welcome and Introductions
Plenary Session I: What Social Science Can Contribute to Sentencing Policy for Economic Crimes
Plenary Session II: Brief Overview of the "Economic Crime Package"
Plenary Session III: The Nature and Severity of Punishment for Economic Crimes; Determinants of Offense Seriousness and Offender Culpability
Concurrent Breakout Sessions Group One: Should the core definition of "loss" be based on principles of causation?
Plenary Session IV: Major Issues Related to the Determination of "Loss" as a Measure of Offense Seriousness and Offender Culpability
Dinner - Keynote Address
Friday, October 13, 2000
Welcome and Introductions
Plenary Session V: Background on New Technology Offenses
Plenary Session VI: Applying the Guidelines to New Technology Offenses
Plenary Session VII: Understanding New Technology Offenses
Concurrent Breakout Sessions Group One: Hacking/Viruses/Interrupted Computer Service Intrusions/Privacy
Plenary Session VIII: Sentencing Implications of New Technology Offenses
Concluding Remarks and Adjournment

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