Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory

Idaho Completion Project

Idaho Completion Project
End State

Risk-Based End State Planning

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management has asked each site where cleanup is taking place to examine its previous and planned cleanup decisions and prepare an end state vision document. The purpose of the examination is to help DOE insure the the most appropriate and cost-effective cleanup decisions have and will be made.

The new vision for the end state at the INEEL when environmental cleanup is completed is that DOE will maintain control of the 890-square-mile facility in perpetuity. This vision is different than the one previously held. The vision changed when the INEEL was named the DOE's lead lab for nuclear research in 2002. With the focus of the facility changing from cleanup to nuclear research, previously recommended cleanup levels may not be appropriate.

In the draft risk-based end state vision document, the DOE Idaho Operations Office will layout a proposed new approach for cleanup at the INEEL. Under the new approach cleanup standards would be made under the assumption that DOE will control the INEEL into the foreseeable future, instead of assuming that residents may one day occupy the land. A variance table showing how this new assumption would change previously made decisions is part of the draft document.