#!/usr/bin/perl # # Makes a map with fixed width using GMT3 and # converts to a GIF for WWW display using # ImageMagick's "convert" routine. $webmaster="rsignell\@usgs.gov"; # # add /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/bin/gmt to path # $ENV{"PATH"} = $ENV{"PATH"} . ":/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/gmt/bin"; $ENV{"TMPDIR"} = "/usr/tmp"; # set maximum width of plot $WIDTH = 4.5; if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { # # Get WWW Form parameters and put in associative array %FORM # &Get_Params; # &html_header("Your Map!"); $cruise_track = $FORM{cruise_track}; #cruise_track contains lon,lat pairs now # # write lon/lat data to temp file # $cruise_track =~ s/\x0D//g; $cruise_track =~ s/\x09//g; open(CRUISE_DATA,">/usr/tmp/$$.cruise"); print CRUISE_DATA $cruise_track; close(CRUISE_DATA); $labels = $FORM{labels}; #Labels for points # --- Write to a temporary file -- $labels =~ s/\x0D//g; $labels =~ s/\x09//g; open(CRUISE_LABELS,">/usr/tmp/$$.labels"); print CRUISE_LABELS $labels; close (CRUISE_LABELS); # # Some browsers apparantly put control characters like line feeds # and other garbage into $cruise_track, which screws up the GMT # routine minmax. Here I've used "dos2unix" to get rid of the line # feeds and other DOS control characters, but it would be better # to just use Perl to do this (I don't have my Perl book handy # right now). Of course, it would be better just to have a # perl minmax routine also! (dos2unix is a one line script that # calls GNU's "recode" thusly: "recode ibmpc:ascii $1" ) #system("(dos2unix /usr/tmp/$$.cruise) > /dev/null"); #system("/usr/local/bin/dos2unix /usr/tmp/$$.cruise"); # # find min and max of lon,lat data using GMT routine minmax ($lon_min, $lon_max, $lat_min, $lat_max) = &minmax (); #$str = `minmax /usr/tmp/$$.cruise`; #$str =~ s/>//g; # strip out all ">" #$str =~ s/\s//g; # strip out all white space #@fields = split(/
\n"); print("

You might want to grab the high-quality PostScript version of the above map

\n"); # print out glab for debugging # print("

glab= $glab\n"); &html_trailer; #system("rm /home/www/tmp/$$$.gif"); } else { &html_header("Comment Form Error"); print "

\n"; print "Form input was not processed."; &html_trailer; } sub html_header { $document_title = $_[0]; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # print "Cache-Control: no-cache\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "$document_title\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; print "


\n"; print "

\n"; } sub html_trailer { print "\n"; print "\n"; } sub Plot_Coast { # # use GMT to draw coastline, then convert PS to GIF $dlon = $lon_max - $lon_min; $dlat = $lat_max - $lat_min; # handle case when user only enters 1 point! if($dlon == 0){ $dlon=2; } if($dlat == 0){ $dlat=2; } # # make bounds of plot 10% greater than data range on all sides # if selected by user if($range =~ /^a/){ $lon_min = $lon_min - 0.1 * $dlon; $lon_max = $lon_max + 0.1 * $dlon; $lat_min = $lat_min - 0.1 * $dlat; $lat_max = $lat_max + 0.1 * $dlat;} else { $lon_min = $lon_min - 0.0 * $dlon; $lon_max = $lon_max + 0.0 * $dlon; $lat_min = $lat_min - 0.0 * $dlat; $lat_max = $lat_max + 0.0 * $dlat; } if($lon_min<-180) {$lon_min=-180} # if($lon_max>180) {$lon_max=180} $dlon = $lon_max - $lon_min; $dlat = $lat_max - $lat_min; # # Don't want the plot too tall, or it'll blow out the image converter # since we have a fixed width. Kludge: set the maximum aspect ratio # of dlat/dlon to 4. # if ($dlat/$dlon > 4) { $lon_max = $lon_min + $dlat/4.; $dlon = $dlat/4; } # determine inches per degree $scale=$WIDTH/$dlon; # Figure out what resolution switch to use in pscoast # (may have to tinker with this a bit) if($scale > 8) { $res='f'; } elsif ($scale > 2) { $res='h'; } elsif ($scale > .5) { $res='i'; } elsif ($scale > .1) { $res='l'; } else{ $res='c'; } # # figure out how often to put labels. Every 1 inch would be nice # Also try to make labels nave "nice" values (intervals of 5 minutes) $glab = 1/$scale; if ($glab > 5) { $glab = int(($glab/5)+.5)*5; } elsif ($glab > 1) { $glab = int($glab+.5); } elsif ($glab > (1/12)) { $glab = int(($glab*12)+.5)/12; if ($glab < 1) { $glab = int($glab*60+.5); $glab = $glab . "m"; } } # call GMT routine PSCOAST to draw the coastline using Mercator projection. # call GMT routine PSXY to draw symbols on top of coastline # convert PostScript GMT map to GIF using the ImageMagick routine # "convert" system("nice pscoast -JM$WIDTH -W1/150/80/80 -G240/220/80 -S80/160/230 -K -D$res -P -R${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} -B$glab > /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); if ($topo eq "yes") { system("nice grdimage /var/www/cgi-bin/etopo2.grd -R/${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} -JM$WIDTH -C/var/www/cgi-bin/etopo2.cpt -O -K -P >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); } if ($pol eq "yes") { system("nice pscoast -JM$WIDTH -Na/1/1ta -D$res -R${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} -O -K -P >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); } if ($river eq "yes") { system("nice pscoast -JM$WIDTH -Ia/1/0/0/255 -D$res -R${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} -O -K -P >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); } system("nice pstext /usr/tmp/$$.labels -JM$WIDTH -K -O -P -N -R/${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); if ($sym eq "c") { system("cat /usr/tmp/$$.cruise | nice psxy -JM$WIDTH -O -P -Sc0.1 -G255/0/0 -R/${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); } elsif ($sym eq "l") { system("cat /usr/tmp/$$.cruise | nice psxy -JM$WIDTH -W2/153/0/0 -O -P -R/${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); } elsif ($sym eq "b") { system("cat /usr/tmp/$$.cruise | nice psxy -JM$WIDTH -W2/153/0/0 -O -K -P -R${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); system("cat /usr/tmp/$$.cruise | nice psxy -JM$WIDTH -Sc0.1 -G255/0/0 -O -P -R/${lon_min}/${lon_max}/${lat_min}/${lat_max} >> /usr/tmp/$$.ps"); } else { } system("nice convert -trim /usr/tmp/$$.ps /usr/tmp/$$.png"); } sub Get_Params { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/&/,$buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-f0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $FORM{$name} = $value; } } sub minmax { $lon_min = 1e20; $lon_max = -1e20; $lat_min = 1e20; $lat_max = -1e20; open(CRUISE_DATA,"/usr/tmp/$$.cruise"); while ( ) { s/^ //g; ($tlon, $tlat) = split (/ /); # # if the first guy is blank, we must be on a blank line if ( $tlon == 0 ) { next; } if ( $tlon < $lon_min ) { $lon_min = $tlon; } if ( $tlon > $lon_max ) { $lon_max = $tlon; } if ( $tlat < $lat_min ) { $lat_min = $tlat; } if ( $tlat > $lat_max ) { $lat_max = $tlat; } } close ( CRUISE_DATA ); @thang = ( $lon_min, $lon_max, $lat_min, $lat_max ); }