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Register for My ERIC - ERIC


Registration for My ERIC is free and easy, and it gives you access to personalized features, such as saving and re-running searches via the Saved Search feature. If you choose to register after conducting a search, you will be able to save the search after you complete registration and login to My ERIC.

You must provide a valid email address and create a username and password. In accordance with ERIC’s privacy policy, ERIC will not share your email address with any third party. ERIC will use your email address to send you your username or password, if you forget either or both.

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(must be at least 5 characters long) 
(must be at least 8 characters long)


Trouble registering?
Your username must have at least 5 characters, and your password must have at least 8 characters. My ERIC is not case sensitive. You should create a username and password that are easy for you to remember.

If you have questions or need more information, try using My ERIC Help. You may contact the ERIC Customer Support Center.

Institute of Education Sciences