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Iraqi Missiles Reported to Exceed U.N. Limits
Missile experts finish analysis for UNMOVIC

By Judy Aita
Washington File United Nations Correspondent

United Nations -- Missile experts have determined that Iraq has produced missiles exceeding the maximum range of 150 kilometers set by U.N. Security Council resolutions, diplomats said February 12.

International missile experts met at the request of Hans Blix, head of the U.N. Monitoring Verification, and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC), to examine the data U.N. weapons inspectors have on Iraq's production of the al-Samoud 2 and al-Fatah missiles. According to the data obtained by the U.N., the missiles exceeded the 150 kilometer range during testing.

The experts met in New York February 11 and 12. They came from seven nations with missile programs -- United States, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, China, France, and Ukraine.

Blix refused to comment on the experts' findings. He said that the results of the experts' meetings will be included in the report he is scheduled to give the Security Council February 14.

Blix told diplomats in January that, of 40 tests, the al-Samoud 2 exceeded the allowable limit 13 times. The al-Fatah was tested 33 times and exceeded the limit eight times.

The UNMOVIC chief has already told the council that Iraq imported missile engines for the al-Samoud 2 and raw material for the production of solid missile fuel in spite of the arms embargo imposed on Baghdad by the Security Council after the Gulf War.

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