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State Dept. Adopts New Approach to Address Remnants of War
Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement formed

Recognizing that "[t]he menace to regional stability and public safety posed by persistent landmines, readily available small arms, light weapons, abandoned ordnance, and poorly secured munitions are interrelated," the State Department's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs has realigned itself to address hazardous remnants of war in a more comprehensive manner, according to a media note released October 6.

The newly created Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement has a three-fold mission, as outlined on its Web site (www.state.gov/t/pm/wra): "to curb the illicit trafficking, availability and indiscriminate use of conventional weapons of war that fuel regional and internal instability; to pursue and help manage post-conflict cleanup of such weapons in areas needed for civilian use; and to engage civil society to broaden support for our efforts and enhance U.S. influence."

Bureau offices affected by the realignment include the Office of Humanitarian Demining Programs, Office of Mine Action Initiatives and Partnerships, and the Small Arms/Light Weapons unit of its Office of Plans, Policy and Analysis.

Following is the text of the media note

Office of the Spokesman

October 6, 2003



The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs has realigned its Office of Humanitarian Demining Programs, Office of Mine Action Initiatives and Partnerships, and Small Arms/Light Weapons unit of its Office of Plans, Policy and Analysis into an Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (www.state.gov/t/pm/wra). Its mission is to contain the weapons and their aftereffects that are most responsible for fueling regional conflicts, unrest and terrorist activity worldwide.

"The menace to regional stability and public safety posed by persistent landmines, readily available small arms, light weapons, abandoned ordnance, and poorly secured munitions are interrelated and should be addressed in a comprehensive manner," said Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Jr., the Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs who also serves as the Special Representative of the President and Secretary of State for Mine Action. "The Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, building upon the skills and successes of its predecessors, is designed and empowered to deal with these threats worldwide."

The Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement exercises oversight of all U.S. Department of State humanitarian mine action efforts as well as policy and programs relating to landmines, small arms/light weapons and other remnants of war. It also develops public-private partnerships to support humanitarian mine action and related initiatives to help mitigate threats from other destabilizing weapons and improve the conditions for people and societies to recover from conflict.


-- About 60 countries are affected by persistent landmines that can remain a danger for decades. These "hidden killers" kill and maim thousands of people annually, keep valuable agricultural land out of production, and hinder economic recovery, humanitarian assistance and international peacekeeping efforts.

-- Man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), widely available and easy to conceal and deploy, pose a threat to civil aviation worldwide. Illicit MANPADS in global black markets and poorly secured stocks held by governments lacking e