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Energy Secretary Welcomes Nonproliferation Efforts by Libya

U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham praised Libya for embracing the principles of nuclear nonproliferation following a September 20 meeting with Maatoug Mohammed Maatoug, the head of Libya's nuclear program, on the sidelines of a conference at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.

In his address to the IAEA general conference, Abraham said that compliance with the regulations of the IAEA does not deprive a nation of access to nuclear energy. "In fact, just the opposite is the case," he said. "Such cooperative effort opens the door of international support, and leads to tangible benefits from the world community, which is eager to respond to positive action."

Abraham said that he Maatoug had a thorough discussion of nonproliferation issues.

Following is a press release from the Department of Energy regarding the meeting

September 20, 2004

Secretary Abraham Meets with Libyan Nuclear Energy Minister

VIENNA, AUSTRIA -- Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham today held a bilateral meeting with Maatoug Mohammed Maatoug, Libya's Head of the Nuclear Program. It was the first such meeting between the two countries and took place on the sidelines of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

"This was a very good meeting with a thorough discussion on nuclear non-proliferation issues," Secretary Abraham said. "In the past year, Libya has had very significant non-proliferations success. As we know, Libya has voluntarily abandoned its pursuit of nuclear weapons, permitted inspections by the IAEA, and has facilitated the removal of its nuclear weapons components."

Earlier in the day, in his address to the IAEA General Conference, Secretary Abraham noted that "Libya's action, and the positive response to it from the international community, demonstrates that the pathway to international acceptance and mutually beneficial partnership is, in fact, a straightforward one. Cooperation in the IAEA's non-proliferation efforts does not mean that any nation's access to energy or political sovereignty will be undermined. In fact, just the opposite is the case. Such cooperative effort opens the door of international support, and leads to tangible benefits from the world community, which is eager to respond to positive action."

Embassy of the United States