Civilian Human Resources
Integrated Definition Model/Task Listings (IDEF)

The Civilian Human Resources (CHR) Integrated Definition is the culmination of several years' continuing efforts to delineate, clarify, and articulate Army CHR business processes.

The assignment of work and business processes must be in accordance with the IDEF.

The IDEF is comprised of a series of worksheets that depict major life cycle functions of Army CHR operations, the major tasks and subtasks of each function, and the CHR component responsible for each task. The IDEF is intended to be a living document, given the dynamic and varied environments in which Army CHR operations take place, enabling rapid responses to changes in legislation and policy, organizational structures and relationships, and mission exigencies.

Requests for IDEF exceptions, variations, and/or changes (see documents below) must be made through appropriate command and/or management channels, routed through CHRA for concurrence (if applicable), and staffed and approved by the Assistant G-1 for Civilian Personnel Policy (AG-1/CPP). Informal IDEF inquiries can be directed to the Training Integration and Proponency (TIP) Branch in the Policy and Program Development Division, AG-1/CPP.

  1. Oct 5, 2004 Memo signed by Ms. Elizabeth B. Throckmorton

  2. Standard Operating Procedures for IDEF changes

  3. Request for Proposed IDEF

  4. IDEF 1.1 archive - October 2003 date