The William H. Kushnick Award and the John W. Macy, Jr. Award for CY 2004

The 2004 William H. Kushnick and John W. Macy, Jr. Awards request for nominations was published on October 12, 2004. These awards recognize outstanding achievements of Department of the Army civilians. All civilian employees, appropriated fund and nonappropriated fund, U.S. citizens and local nationals engaged in civilian personnel administration in the Department of the Army are eligible for nomination for the William H. Kushnick Award. Any Department of the Army supervisor, military or civilian (Colonel/GS-15 or below), U.S. citizen or local national, appropriated or nonappropriated fund is eligible for nomination for the John W. Macy, Jr. Award. Nominations are due to the Office of the Assistant G-1 for Civilian Personnel Policy (CPP), Policy and Program Development Division, by close of business January 31, 2004.

Link: Kushnick Macy Awards (Memorandum and Descriptions)

(Annette Good/(703) 325- 6639 or DSN 221;