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Drunk Drivers: How to Spot Them

Drunk drivers give off numerous clues to their dangerous condition. Learn to spot them and avoid them in traffic.
  1. They have trouble staying in the right position in their lane of traffic. Look for:
    • weaving
    • swerving
    • straddling the lines that mark lanes
    • turning with too wide a radius
    • drifting around within their lane
    • almost hitting something.
  2. They don't brake and accelerate normally:
    • They stop too far away or too close to things; they brake in a jerky manner.
    • They speed up or slow down for no apparent reason.
    • They drive more than 10 mph under the speed limit.
  3. They don't pay attention and lost situational awareness:
    • driving in the wrong lane or the wrong way on a one-way street
    • slow in response to traffic signals or markings
    • stopping for no apparent reason
    • driving without headlights at night
    • failing to signal, or signaling and then not following through
  4. They show poor judgment:
    • following too closely
    • changing lanes improperly or dangerously
    • making illegal or improper turns
    • driving on something other than the street
    • unusual behavior

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