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DOE Programs Publications About EML Monitoring Networks EML Homepage National Security Testing and Evaluation New York Outreach Standards

Standards Implementation and Outreach

 The only means to effectively prevent and respond to Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) threats and events will be an efficient integration of the efforts of federal/state/city and local agencies. Regional DHS technical centers should be established to provide the coordination and facilitation of all such activities among these agencies. With New York City being one of two prime terrorist targets, EML as a DHS laboratory is uniquely positioned to act as a model to other metropolitan areas for local outreach activities.

 We have currently identified over 130 New York regional agencies actively engaged in issues concerning WMD. Many of these agencies require additional resources to effectively manage the domain for which they are responsible. These needed resources include support for issues associated with planning, equipment, training, and exercises. The implementation of DHS Standards will help ensure the most efficient capability for the prevention, detection and response to WMD threats and events.

 EML, as a Center for Standards Implementation, will perform technical assistance outreach functions to New York City-area federal, state, city and local agencies for issues concerning radiological and nuclear WMD and to facilitate and coordinate their programs in accordance with the WMD technology standards that are developed or being developed by DHS. EML will actively work with New York City regional agencies to integrate and coordinate activities for analyzing, validating and setting standards for homeland security equipment. In addition, EML will help develop protocols for the certification of compliance with these standards.

 Local outreach activities will apply nationally developed standards to the field/local level, thus ensuring the integration of efforts at every government level. The outreach functions fall into four major categories:

  • Planning : The program will support state, city and local governments in developing comprehensive plans to prepare for, and respond to, a terrorist attack in accordance with guidance and standards set forth by DHS. The Laboratory will lead the DHS process for evaluating the New York City regional effort to build response capabilities in order to validate that effort and direct future resources.
  • Equipment : The program will support DHS guidelines for state and local agencies to purchase a wide range of equipment needed to prevent, interdict and respond effectively to a terrorist attack. The Laboratory will function in the DHS technology certification process, either as a primary or secondary laboratory. Significant support will be provided after the purchase of equipment for field data analysis (i.e., data archiving, data quality assessment/quality control (QA/QC), background and threshold analysis, action level alert function, etc.). The Laboratory will utilize its radiation instrumentation expertise for equipment engineering and customization (i.e., modifications and integration) of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) instruments for unique, unusual, or different-from-engineered applications.
  • Training : Train first responders (firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical technicians) and prevention and interdiction teams to operate radiological/nuclear detection equipment.
  • Exercises : The program will support a coordinated, regular exercise program to improve response capabilities, practice mutual aid, and assess operational improvements and deficiencies. Demonstrations and pilot deployments of COTS and advanced national laboratory and private sector technologies will be conducted in the New York City metropolitan area with EML acting as the DHS federal oversight coordinator.

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