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Funding Facts
An overview for potential collaborators to better understand funding mechanisms and opportunities for NASA research and technology development.
 Disclaimer: Our approach to technology integration asserts that development funds can be obtained competitively through joint proposals and the like.  We do not control contract funds of any sort nor do we influence the procurement process.
The following is a brief overview of NASA funding vehicles and mechanisms. We provide this information for potential collaborators who may want a better understanding of the ways in which NASA funds research and technology development. In addition, we monitor announcements from other federal agencies with common interests or technology requirements.
NASA Funding
Throughout the year, the Agency releases NASA research announcements, cooperative agreement notices, broad agency announcements, and the like. We focus on those announcements that emphasize technology development and we try to facilitate the formation of collaborative teams that will submit joint proposals to the announcement. If the jointly proposed work survives the competitive process, it will likely produce the greatest benefits for NASA at the lowest cost.

NASA also offers other, small-scale opportunities for funding or resource sharing with its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs (STTR). Both of these programs are targeted at small businesses who may be able to offer a distinct expertise in research or technology development.

Finally, NASA occasionally employs space act agreements. These agreements permit NASA and outside organizations to share resources, such as expertise, equipment, manpower, etc. They frequently allow NASA to do things within its mission that it could not otherwise afford to do. This vehicle for collaboration, however, does not provide for NASA to provide funds to an outside organization. Whenever possible, we will encourage resource sharing between both parties and whenever appropriate, will encourage reimbursement to NASA.
Funding Sites
Listed below are informative NASA sites that deal with competitive funding announcements and related mechanisms.
NASA research opportunities in Biological and Physical Research
SBIR and STTR Programs
NASA Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
Space act agreements

Author: SL/S. Alyssa Mueller -
Curator: SL/David Kiss -
Responsible NASA Official: SL/Don Stilwell -
This site was last updated: October 5, 2004

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