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Our Changing Planet

CLIVAR Atlantic 

Project Abstracts

The data and figures displayed in the abstracts below are the result of scientific research funded by NOAA's CLIVAR Atlantic Program.  Please contact the Principal Investigator before you cite any data or use any figure.  Contact information is provided at the bottom of each abstract.

The information below is listed in the following order:

Principal Investigator, Institution
Project Duration

Project Title

Dr. Ping Chang, Texas A&M University
6/1/98 - 5/31/00
An Investigation of Predictability of Tropical Atlantic SST

Dr. Robert W. Houghton, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
7/1/98 - 6/30/00
Diagnostic Studies on the Generation of the North Atlantic Quasi-decadal Fluctuations

Dr. Bohua Huang and Dr. Paul Schopf , Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Institute of Global Environment and Society
9/1/99 - 8/31/00
Studying the Mechanisms of Interannual and Decadal Variability in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean

Dr. Rui Xin Huang, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
9/1/99 - 8/31/01
The Communication Between the Tropical and Subtropical  Atlantic

Dr. Ron L. Miller and Dr. Xingjian Jiang, Department of Applied Physics, Columbia University
9/1/98 - 8/31/00
Forcing of the Tropical Atlantic Climate By Variations in North Atlantic Deepwater Formation

Dr. Terrence M. Joyce and Dr. Jiayan Yang, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
9/1/99 - 8/31/01
Linking Decadal Variability in the Tropical and Subtropical North Atlantic Using Data and Models

Dr. Yochanan Kushnir, Dr. Martin Visbeck,, Dr. Richard Seager, Dr. Naomi Naik, Dr. Balaji Rajagopalan, and Dr. Gerd Krahmann
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
6/1/98 - 7/31/00
Mechanisms of Atlantic Climate Variability

Dr. Andrew W. Robertson and Dr. Carlos R. Mechoso, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles
6/1/98 - 9/30/00
Modeling Pan-Atlantic Decadal Variability

Dr. Ziv Sirkes and Eli Tziperman, The University of Southern Mississippi and the Weizmann Institute of Science
9/1/99 - 8/31/01
A Study of the Tropical Atlantic Variability Using a Coupled OGCM -- Statistical Atmospheric Model and Its Adjoint

Dr. Martin Visbeck, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
9/1/99 - 8/31/01
The Oceans Role in Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability: A Modeling Study

Dr. Jiayan Yang, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
11/1/98 - 10/31/99
A Numerical Study of the Linkage Between the North Atlantic Oscillation and Climate Changes in the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic Ocean


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Updated October 13, 2001