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 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation:
Our Changing Planet

Project Abstracts

The data and figures displayed in the abstracts below are the result of scientific research funded by NOAA's CLIVAR Program. Please contact the Principal Investigator before you cite any data or use any figure. Contact information is provided at the bottom of each abstract.

The information below is listed in the following order:

Principal Investigator
Project Duration
Project Title

Dr. Steven P. Anderson and Dr. Robert A. Weller
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
9/1/99 - 8/31/02
Air-Sea Interaction in the Eastern Tropical Pacific: Analysis of the Coupled Air-Sea Boundary Layers in the Cold Tongue/ITCZ System

Dr. John J. Bates and Dr. Wesley Berg
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory
7/1/99 - 6/30/02
A Study of Hydrologic Cycle Variability over the East Pacific and the Americas Using Satellite Observations

Dr. Ping Chang
Texas A&M University
8/1/97 - 7/31/00
A Modeling Study of the Tropical Atlantic Air-Sea Interactions

Dr. Meghan F. Cronin and Dr. William S. Kessler
NOAA / Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
8/1/97 - 7/31/00
Seasonal and Interannual Modulation of Mixed Layer Variability at 0°, 110°W

Dr. Meghan F. Cronin and Dr. Michael J. McPhaden
NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7/1/99 - 6/30/05
Enhanced TAO Monitoring of Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in the Cold Tongue / ITCZ Complex

Dr. Henry F. Diaz1, Dr. Daniel R. Cayan2, and Dr. Michael D. Dettinger3
1NOAA CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, 2Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 3US Geological Survey
7/1/97 - 6/30/01
Warm Season Hydroclimatic Variability in Western North America

Dr. David B. Enfield, Dr. Alberto Mestas-Nuñez, Dr. Chunzai Wang, and Dr. Christopher W. Landsea
NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
6/1/99 - 5/31/01
Inter-American Climate Variability

Dr. Steven Esbensen and Dr. Dudley Chelton
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
9/1/99 - 8/31/02
Analysis of Surface Winds, Stratocumulus Clouds and SST in the Cold-Tongue/ITCZ Complex

Dr. Christopher W. Fairall and Dr. A. Shelby Frisch
NOAA Environmental Technology Laboratory
7/1/99 - 6/30/02
A Climatology of Stratocumulus Cloud Properties in the PACS Region

Dr. Rong Fu and Dr. Robert E. Dickinson
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology
7/1/98 - 9/30/01
What Controls the Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Precipitation in Tropical South America? - A Combined Observational and Climate Model Study of Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Coupling for Improving Climate Prediction

Dr. Kenneth S. Gage1, Dr. Leslie M. Hartten2 and Dr. Nicholas A. Bond3
1NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory, 2JISAO, University of Washington, 3NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
6/1/97 - 5/31/00
Lower-Tropospheric Dynamics over the Eastern Pacific

Dr. Martin Hoerling1, Dr. Henry Diaz1, Dr. Jeff Whitaker1, Dr. Ping Chen1 and Dr. Mingfang Ting2
1NOAA CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder CO, 2University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana
7/1/98 - 6/30/01
Interannual Variability of Western North American Summer Rainfall

Dr. William S. Kessler
NOAA / Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
8/1/97 - 7/31/00
Mean and Annual Cycle of Temperature and Geostrophic Currentsin the East Pacific Warm Pool

Dr. T.N. Krishnamurti
Department of Meteorology, Florida State University
9/1/99 - 8/31/02
Modeling of the North American Monsoon

Dr. Brant Liebmann1 and Dr. José A. Marengo2
1NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, 2Center for Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies, National Institute for Space Studies, Brazil
7/1/99 - 6/30/01
Characteristics of Rainfall Variability in the Brazilian Amazon of South America

Dr. Brian E. Mapes, Dr. Thomas T. Warner, and Dr. Mei Xu
University of Colorado
Distortion of the East Pacific ITCZ by the American Landmass

Dr. J. David Neelin, Dr. James C. McWilliams and Dr. N. Zeng
Department of Atmospheric Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles
8/1/98 - 7/31/01
Pathways of Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Impacting the PACS Region

Dr. Sumant Nigam and Dr. Ernesto Hugo Berbery
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
9/1/97 - 8/31/00
Dynamical Diagnoses of the Precipitation and Circulation Variability Over the Americas

Dr. Julia Nogués-Paegle
University of Utah
6/1/97 - 5/31/00
Remote and Local Effects on South American Summer Rains

Dr. Jeffrey A. Nystuen
College of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences
University of Washington
7/1/99 - 6/30/02
Long-term Acoustical Measurements of Air-Sea Exchange Processes: Rainfall, Stratiform Drizzle, Ambient Bubbles and Wind Speed

Dr. John Roads, Shyh Chen, Bruce Anderson
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
7/1/98 - 6/30/01
Modeling the Gulf of California Summertime Hydrologic Cycle

Yolande L. Serra, Meghan F. Cronin and Michael J. McPhaden
NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory and JISAO, University of Washington
Investigation of Synoptic Disturbances and Their Effect on the Boundary Layer and SST in the East Pacific ITCZ on Seasonal and Interannual Time Scales

Dr. Anji Seth
International Research Institute - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
2/1/98 - 7/31/01
A Study of Rainfall Predictability for Tropical South America Using a Nested Modeling System

Dr. Zuojun Yu1 and Dr. William S. Kessler2
1University of Washington/JISAO
2NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
8/1/97 - 7/31/00
Modeling the Pacific North Equatorial Countercurrent

Dr. Bin Wang
Department of Meteorology and IPRC, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii
6/1/97 - 5/31/01
Physical Processes Determining the Annual Cycle of the Equatorial Cold Tongue/ITCZ Complex

Dr. Robert A. Weller and Dr. Steven P. Anderson
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
9/1/99 - 8/31/04
Long-term Evolution and Coupling of the Boundary Layers in the Stratus Deck Regions of the Eastern Pacific



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Last Updated September 2, 2004