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 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
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Human Dimensions



Funded Projects

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Human Dimensions of Global Change Research (HDGCR)

Funded Projects from 1995-Present

Graphical Representation of Human Dimensions Activities
Graphical Representation of Human Dimensions Activities


FY 2004 Grants

PI: Michael J. Hayes; Co-PI(s): Cody L. Knutson, Martin Kleinschmit, William J. Waltman, Jeffrey S. Peake, Robert K. Hitchcock
Title: Sustainable Adaptations to Drought and Climate Variability in Agriculture Production Systems Across Nebraska

PI: Shrikant Jagtap, Jim Jones; Co-PI(s): Ken Boote, Peter Hildebrand
Title: Decision Support System for Agricultural Applications of Climate Forecast in West Africa

PI: Peter J. Lamb; Co-PI(s): James W. Mjelde, Danny A. Klinefelter, Michael B. Richman
Title: Climate Information for Managing Risk through Agricultural Land and Machinery Contractual Arrangements

Investigators: Jennifer G. Phillips, David H. Krantz, Bradfield Lyon
Title: Decision Making Under Risk of Extreme Climate Events: Applying Lesson From Seasonal Forecasting

Investigators: Kenneth Broad. Alexander Pfaff, Upmanu Lall
Title: Impacts of Water Resource Management Choices in Ceara, Brazil: Roles of Streamflow Forecasts, Rainfall Forecasts and Participatory Decision Making


HDGCR Grant Awards Archives

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Last Updated September 17, 2004