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CSI/ESD Africa Program

Funded Projects

The data and figures displayed in the abstracts below are the result of scientific research funded by NOAA's Africa Research Program.  Please contact the Principal Investigator before you cite any data or use any figure.  Contact information is provided at the bottom of each abstract.


Frost Prediction and Protection in Tea Producing Areas of Kenya - Mr. Stanslaus M. Gachara, Kenya Meteorological Department 01/01/01 - 12/01/01

Economic benefits of applying seasonal climate forecasts in smallholder farm management: case study for Zimbabwe - L.S. Unganai1, R. Mano2, T. Bandason1, and V. Mutikani3, 1. Dept. of Meteorological Services, Zimbabwe, 2. Dept. of Agric. Economics, University of Zimbabwe, 3. Crop Sci., Midlands University 01/01/01 - 06/01/01

Project Report

Investigation of Utility of Weather and Climate Forecasts on Farming Activities in Kwale district, Kenya - Ms. Josephine M. Mwinamo, Waa High School


Awareness Raising and Planning Workshop for a National Strategy of Communication and Utilization of Climate Information in Rural Areas(Nouakchott, Mauritania, May 29-31, 2001) - Mohamed El Moctar Ould Mohamed Ahmed, President, Organization pour le Dévéloppement des Zones Arides et Semi-Arides (ODZASAM), Nouakchoutt, Mauritania. 01/01/01 - 06/01/01

Museum Exhibitions of the Drought Monitoring Centre-Nairobi (DMCN) and Fora Climate Outlook Products and the Potentital Impacts on Key Development Sectors in the Country - Simon Gatheru, National Museums of Kenya 01/01/01 - 12/01/01

Climate Forecast Applications in Uganda: Packaging and dissemination of Climate Forecast info. in Uganda - Mr. Paul Isabirye, Uganda Meteorological Department

Capacity Building Workshop on the Role of Media in the Dissemination of Daily and Seasonal Weather Forecasts in Tanzania - Mr. Jerome Ng'itu, Tanzania School of Journalism

Creating Awareness on the Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts among the user communities in Djibouti - Mr. Mohamed Ismail Nour, Department of Meteorology 01/01/01 - 06/01/01

To Sensitize and to Create Awareness of the Use of Climate Forecasts to the User Community - Antoine Twahirwa, Rwanda Meteorological Services

Final Report Submitted to the Drought Monitoring Centre (Harare, Zimbabwe) On the Pilot Project Assessment of Communication and Use of Climate Outlooks and Development of Scenarios to Promote Food Security in the Free State Province of South Africa - S. Walker, E. Mukhala, W.J. van den Berg and C.R. Manley, University of the Free State Enviro Vision and Department of Agrometeorology


Worskshop on Factoring Climate Information and Prediction Products in the Planning and Management of Hydropower Resources in the Greater Horn of Africa

Evaluation of Economic Contributions of Seasonal Climate Outlooks for Power Industry in Ethiopia - Amare Babu, National Meteorological Services Agency

Development of Methodologies for the Utilization of Seasonal Climate Prediction for Forecasting Hydropower Generation - Dr. M. S. Mhita, Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA)

An Assessment of the Potential Benefits of Seasonal Rainfall Prediction in Relation to Hydro-Electric Power Generation in Kenya: A Case Study of the Impacts of the 1999/2000 drought and the accompanied Power rationing - Dr. Christopher Oludhe, Department of Meteorolgy, University of Nairobi, Kenya


Predicting malaria epidemics in the Kenyan highlands using climate data:a tool for decision makers - Andrew K.Githeko (Kenya Medical Research Institute) and William Ndegwa (Kenya Meteorology Department)

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Updated April 28, 2004