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 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation: Our Changing Planet




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Environment, Science and Development (ESD)

The goal of the ESD program is to enhance our understanding of societal capacity to adapt to climate in the context of integrated environment, science and development issues. The program is designed to stimulate and support solution-oriented, place-based research most relevant to the influence of climate on development objectives and disaster preparedness. ESD seeks to apply this knowledge to improve the institutional, scientific and technical capacity needed to successfully apply climate information to practical challenges associated with sustainable development.

The ESD program builds on a decade of previous studies in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. These applications research projects took a region-specific approach to integrated programs of research, institutional development and capacity building, with support provided through a variety of funding mechanisms and partnerships with regional, national and international organizations.


Current ESD Projects

Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development

Climate Forecast Applications for Disaster Mitigation in Vietnam - Climate-related shocks, such as droughts, floods and typhoons, routinely disrupt livelihood systems for large numbers of people in Vietnam, resulting in frequent disasters.

Building Climate Information in Central America: Agroclimatic Forecast Interpretations for the 2004 Season - Central America suffers from extremes of climate variability, with a limited societal capacity to mitigate these effects.

Abstract: The Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development (KSSD) Project,, seeks to understand and promote the design of effective systems to harness research-based knowledge in support of decisions bearing on the joint goals of human development and environmental stewardship – i.e., on goals of sustainability. more...

Workshop on El Nino Early Warning for Sustainable Development in the Pacific Rim Countries and Islands (13-16 September 2004; Galapagos Islands, Ecuador) - With support from NOAA and several other agencies, the Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno de El Niño, CIIFEN (Guayaquil, Ecuador) and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (Boulder, Colorado) are organizing a workshop entitled “El Niño Early Warning for Sustainable Development in Pacific Rim Countries and Islands” more...

Abstract: Seasonal Climate Prediction and Management of the Panama Canal: Estimating the Benefits of Using Climate Forecast Information - We use hydrologic modeling and a simplified decision support system to investigate the benefits of using climate forecast information for the management of the Panama Canal. more...

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Updated July 21, 2004