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ESD Funded Projects 1997-2002

Select International Projects Supported by NOAA/OGP/CSI : Helping Society Adapt to Climate Through the Use of Science and Technology

(Many of these activities were co-funded by additional institutions, including regional, national and international organizations (e.g., US Agency for International Development, World Meteorological Organization, etc…) In general, only the lead researcher/investigator is identified on this list. Specific institutional co-sponsorship is noted only in the case of workshops and select activities such as those)

FY 2002

An Assessment of the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Human Health in Three Island Countries: Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and Fiji (Pacific Islands) - Nancy Lewis, East-West Center, Asian Climate Training (ACT) (Bangkok) Kamal Kishore, ADPC

An Assessment of the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Human Health in the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and Fiji (South Pacific) - Nancy Davis-Lewis, Ph.D., East-West Center, University of Hawaii

Capacity building, Indochina Network (Vietnam) - Mick Kelly, University of East Anglia

Climate Flashpoints Informal Planning Meeting (Global) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA), Environmental and Societal Impacts Group (ESIG) NCAR

Climate and Weather Impact Summaries (Global) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Fourth Workshop on Regional Climate Prediction and Applications – Tropical Pacific Islands and Rim (Tropical Pacific Islands and Rim) - Peter Lamb, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)/University of Oklahoma

Fourth Workshop on Regional Climate Prediction and Applications – Latin America, Pacific Islands, and Southeast Asia - Peter Lamb, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)/ University of Oklahoma

International Disaster Loss Database Management and Visualization (EM-DAT) (Global) - Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disaster (CRED), Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Latin America and the Caribbean Project Ecosystem Dynamics and Essential Human Needs: Developing an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda in the Plata Basin of South America (La Plata Basin, South America) - Marina Ratchford, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Pilot Studies to Evaluate Interpretation Methods, Intermediary Effectiveness, and Appropriate Levels of Intervention in Provision of Climate Forecasts in the Sahel-Sudan: Climate Forecasting for Agricultural Resources (CFAR) Project – Phase 2 - Paul Kirshen, Tuffs University

RANET Digital Satellite Broadcast Development and Management (Africa) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

RANET Digital Satellite Broadcast Development and Management (Asia) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

RANET Internet Presence Initiative Training Workshop (Africa) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA), African Center of Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD)

Testing the Ability of Subsistence Farmers to Use Seasonal Climate Forecasts: A Participatory Approach In Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) - Anthony Patt, Boston University

Training and Dissemination of Information on Impacts Related to Climate Variability in the Altiplano, Chaco, and transition region from the Chaco into the Amazonian forests in northern Bolivia (Bolivia) - Michael Douglas, NOAA/OAR/NSSL


FY 2001

Areal Flash Flood Guidance and Warning System for Central America as part of the USG Reconstruction Effort (Nicaragua and Honduras) - Konstantine Georgakakos, Hydrologic Research Center

An Assessment of the Potential Benefits of Seasonal Rainfall Prediction in Relation to Hydro-Electric Power Generation in Kenya: A Case Study of the Impacts of the 1999/2000 droughts and the accompanied power rationing (Kenya) - Christopher Oludhe, Department of Meteorology, University of Nairobi, Kenya

Assessing Climate Applications Research & Implementation Projects (Global) - Kenny Broad, University of Miami

Assessment of Communication and Use of Climate Outlooks and Development of Scenarios to Promote Food Security in the Free State Province of South Africa (South Africa) - S. Walker, University of the Free State Department of Agrometeorology

Central America Regional Soil Moisture Analysis as part of the USG Reconstruction Effort (Central America) - Konstantine Georgakakos, Hydrologic Research Center

Climate and Weather Impact Summaries (Global) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Climate Forecast Applications in Uganda: Packaging and Dissemination of Climate Forecast Information in Uganda (Uganda) - Paul Isabirye, Uganda Meteorological Department

Climate Outlook Forum: Production and Dissemination of Summer 2001 Climate Perspective for the Central American Region (Honduras, Central America) - NOAA/OGP, IRI, CRRH, USAID/OFDA

Climate and Policy in Latin America (Latin America) - Susan Bergerman, Columbia University

Creating Awareness on the Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts Among the User Communities in Djibouti (Djibouti) - Mohamed Ismail Nour, Department of Meteorology, Djibouti

Cropping in Southern India (India) - Holger Meinke, APSRU

Development of methodologies for the utilization of seasonal climate prediction for forecasting hydropower generation (Tanzania) - M. S. Mhita, Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA)

Development of a Regional Climate Model System for Central America as part of the USG Reconstruction Effort (Costa Rica/Central America) - Jorge Amador, University of Costa Rica

The evaluation of economic contributions of seasonal climate outlooks for power industry in Ethiopia (Ethiopia) - Amare Babu, National Meteorological Services Agency, Ethiopia

Extreme Climate Events Project (Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines) - Asia Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)

Factoring climate information and prediction products inthe planning and management of hydropower resources in the greater Horn of Africa (Kenya) - Professor Ogallo, Drought Monitoring Center, Nairobi

Forecasting and Water Management in China (China) - Michael Glantz, NCAR

Global Environmental Change and Food Systems (GECaFS) (India, Caribbean) - John Ingram, International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP)

International Workshop on Climate, Hydrology, Georisks and Natural Disasters in the Andes. IV International Symposium on Sustainable Development in the Andes (Venezuela) - Rigoberto Andressen, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela

IRI Workshop on Interannual Climate Variability and Pelagic Fisheries (New Caledonia)

Pacific ENSO Update - Michael Hamnett, Pacific ENSO Applications Center

The Potential for the Emergence of Dengue Fever Along the United States/Mexico Border in the Southwestern United States (U.S.-Mexico Border Region) - Principal Investigator: Craig R. Janes, Ph.D., University of Colorado Department of Anthropology

Predicting malaria epidemics in the Kenyan Highlands using climate data: A tool for decision makers (Kenya) - Andrew Githeko, Kenyan Medical Research Institute

RANET Digital Satellite Broadcast Development and Management (Africa) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Third Workshop on Regional Climate Prediction and Applications - Tropical Pacific Islands and Rim (Pacific Islands and Rim) - Peter Lamb, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)/ University of Oklahoma

To Sensitize and to Create Awareness of the Use of Climate Forecasts to the User Community (Rwanda) - Antoine Twahirwa, Rwanda Meteorological Services

Training Workshop on Climate and Health (Niamey, Niger) - PRESAO Process

Use and Usefulness: A Comparative Study of Seasonal Climate Forecasting Systems in Drought-Affected Regions of Latin America (Brazil, Chile) - Tim Finan, University of Arizona

The Use of Climate Prediction to Support Decision Making in Argentine Agriculture (Argentina) - Guillermo Podesta, University of Miami

Workshop on Regional Climate Forecast Methodologies (Singapore) - Woon Shih Lai, ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Center


APN Training Institute on Climate and Society in the Asia-Pacific Region (Hawaii) - Eileen Shea, East-West Center

Awareness Raising and Planning Workshop for a National Strategy of Communication and Utilization of Climate Information in Rural Areas, Mauritania (Mauritania) - Mohamed El Moctar Ould Mohamed Ahmed, ODZASAM

Capacity building workshop on the role of media in the dissemination of daily and seasonal weather forecasts in Tanzania (Tanzania) - Jerome Ng’itu, Tanzania School of Journalism

Chlorea Dynamics and Climate Variability: Towards Prediction of Disease Incidence (Bangladesh) - Mercedes Pascual, University of Michigan

Climate Outlook Forum, Climate Forecasts and Applications for Central America: Moving into the Next Century (Belize) - NOAA/OGP, USAID/OFDA, CRRH

Climate Variability and its Impacts in Mexico, Central American and the Caribbean (Mexico/Central America and Caribbean) - Victor Magana, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Climate and Weather Impact Summaries (Global) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: Early Warning and Mitigation System for Vietnam (Vietnam) - Dana Focks

Development of a Collaborative Research Network for the Study of Regional Climate Variability and Changes, their Prediction and Impact in the MERCOSUR Area (Southeast South America) - Mario Nuñez, University of Buenos Aires

Diagnostics and Prediction of Climate Variability and Human Health Impacts in the Tropical Americas (Brazil) - Ulisses Confalonieri, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil

Economic benefits of applying seasonal climate forecasts in smallholder farm management: case study for Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) - L.S. Unganai, Zimbabwe Meteorological Department

The Effect of Climate Change on an Important Vector-Borne, Public Health Disease (Epidemic Bartonellosis) ( Peru) - Principal Investigator: Larry W. Laughlin, M.D., Ph.D., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS)

Effects of Weather Variability on Childhood Infectious Diseases in Peruvian Children (Peru) - Principal Investigator: Jonathan A. Patz and Robert H. Gilman, M.D., M.P.H., Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health

Enhancement of the Application and Effectiveness of Climatic Information and Prediction Services in the Promotion of Agricultural Production and Food Security in Quang Tri Province (Vietnam) - Van Viet, Vietnam Hydrometeorological Service

ENSO Disaster Risk Management in Latin America: the Consolidation of a Regional Network for Comparative Research, Information and Training from a Social Perspective (Peru) - Eduardo Franco, LARED

An Exploratory Workshop to Determine the Regional Requirements for Integrated Modeling of the Economic Impacts of Climate Variability in Southern Africa (South Africa) - Chris Justice, Global Environmental Change Program-Africa (GECP-Africa) University of Virginia

Extended weather forecasts as a management tool for the enhancement of cereal crop productivity in Sub Saharan West Africa (Nigeria) - J. Oladipo Adejuwon, International START Secretariat

Frost Prediction and Protection in Tea Producing Areas of Kenya (Kenya) - Stanslaus M. Gachara , Kenya Meteorological Department

Investigation on Utility of Weather and Climate Forecasts on Farming Activities in Kwale district, Kenya (Kenya) - Josephine M. Mwinamo, Kwale High School, Kwale, Kenya

Human Strategies for Coping with ENSO and the Growing Flammability of Forest in Amazônia (Amazon Region) - Emilio Moran, Indiana University

Improving Climate Forecast Communications For Farm Management in Uganda (Uganda) - Jennifer Phillips, Associate Research Scientist, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction, Columbia University

International Conference and Regional Workshop on Climate Variability and Change in the Western Pacific Region (Western Pacific) - World Health Organization, World Meteorological Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, NOAA and EPA

International Conference and Regional Workshop on Climate Variability and Change in the Western Pacific Region (Samoa) - World Health Organization, World Meteorological Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, NOAA and EPA

Mozambique, Southern Africa Floods Web Page and Product Coordination - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Multi-Objective Study of Climate Variability for Impact Mitigation in Trade Convergence Climate Complex Region (Tropics, Western Hemispheres) - Pilar Cornejo, Escuela Superior del Litoral, Ecuador

Museum exhibitions of the drought monitoring centre-Nairobi and forum climate outlook products and the potential impacts on key development sectors in the country (Kenya) - Simon Gatheru, National Museums of Kenya

A multi-stakeholder review of Regional Climate Outlook Forums (South Africa) - South African Weather Bureau, NOAA, IRI, World Bank, WMO

A Preliminary Study of El Nino and La Nina Related Climate Impacts on Sugar Production in Fiji (Fiji) - Janita Pahalad, Fiji Meteorological Service

RANET Digital Satellite Broadcast Development and Management (Africa) - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Reducing the Impacts of Environmental Emergencies through Early Warning and Preparedness (Paraguay) - Benjamin Grassi, Univ. of Asuncion, Paraguay

Reducing the Negative Consequences of Climate Variability through the use of Forecasts and Vulnerability Analysis in Cities: The Case of Tijuana, Mexico (Mexico) - Principal Investigator: Roberto Sanchez-Rodriguez, University of California, Santa Cruz

Regional Training Course on Climate Variability and Extreme Events in Mesoamerica (Costa Rica/Central America) - NOAA/OGP, IAI and CRRH

Second Workshop on Regional Climate Prediction and Applications – Tropical Atlantic Basin (Tropical Atlantic Basin) - Peter Lamb, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)/ University of Oklahoma

Workshop on Enhancing Climate Data Collection, Processing and Dissemination in the Caribbean (Jamaica/Caribbean) - Michael Taylor, University of the West Indies

Workshop on Climate and Transboundary Water in Latin America (Latin America) Henry Diaz, NOAA/CDC and Dr. Barbara Morehouse, University of Arizona


Climate Variability and Household Welfare in the Andes: Farmer Adaptation and Use of Weather Forecasts in Decision Making (Andean Region, South America) - Principal Investigator: Corinne Valdivia, University of Missouri-Columbia

Mitigating the Impact of Menengitis Epidemics in Africa: Assessing the Scope for Regional Forecasting Systems (Africa) - Stephen J. Conner, Ph.D., Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Dengue & El Niño-Southern Oscillation Events in Yogyakarta Indonesia: Historical Correlations, Mechanisms, and Recommendations for Control using Source Reduction (Jakarta, Indonesia) - Dana A. Focks, Ph.D., John W. Hock Company

Effects of El Niño Events on Peruvian Social Economies & Legal Systems (Peru) - Principal Investigator: Sarah Meltzoff, RSMAS, University of Miami

Climate and Weather Impact Summaries - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Improved Climate Forecasts and Pacific Rim Grain Supply and Markets (Pacific Rim) - Dan Sumner, University of California - Davis

Economic evaluation of the seasonal forecast in the agricultural sector of Mali, West Africa (Mali) - Omar Bard our, ACMAD.

Climate variability and income distribution in Mozambique – A computable general equilibrium approach (Mozambique) - Channing Arndt, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University.

Improving the Applicability of Climate Forecasts to Emergency Preparedness and Relief in Mozambique (Mozambique) - Filipe Lucio, Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia de Mozambique

Differential effects of ENSO over South African region, physical and socioeconomic manifestation (South Africa) - Ron Eastman, Clark University

Disease, Mortality and Climate: A Pilot Study Relating to the Contribution of Malaria to Annual Mortality in India for the Period 1866-1910 (India) - Elizabeth Whitcombe, The Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability

The GCTE Focus 3 Conference (Global) - John Ingram, UK NERC, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

Studying Indonesian Forest-Fire Situations for Identifying Potential Uses of Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Forecasts (Indonesia) - Andrew Vayda, Rutgers University

The Development of a Protype Synoptic Climatology: The Southwest Pacific Ocean (SW Pacific) - Chip Guard, University of Guam

Pacific Regional Workshop for Water Managers, Disaster Managers, and National Meteorological Services Managers on ENSO Response and Mitigation (Pacific Islands) - Russell Howorth, South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC)

Workshop on a Seasonal Climate Forecasting in Southeast Asia (Singapore) - ASEAN Specialized Meterological Center

Conference on Climate in the Inter-tropical Americas (Inter-tropical Americas) - John Topping, Climate Institute

A Retrospective Analysis of the NOAA/OGP Sponsored Activities During the 1997-1998 El Niño Event in the Caribbean, Central and South America (Latin America and the Caribbean) - Rubén Lara Lara, Gaia, Inc

Lessons Learned from an ENSO Drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil: Preparation, Response and Recuperation (Brazil) - Maria Carmen Lemos, University of Arizona

Research Curise in the Ucatan Channel, Florida Straits, and the Campeche Bank/Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Region (Gulf of Mexico) - Douglas Wilson, NOAA/AOML

Impact of Climate Variations on Caribbean Region Hurricanes: Towards Understanding Linkages and Enhancing the Application of Climate Information (somewhere in the Caribbean) - NOAA/OGP with NOAA/AOML, Stanley Goldenberg, NOAA/AOML

First Workshop on Regional Climate Prediction and Applications – Tropical Atlantic Basin (Oklahoma) - Peter Lamb, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)/ University of Oklahoma

Third Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (Dominican Republic) - NOAA/OGP, IRI


Responses to Climate Variability and Utility of Climate Forecast Information for the Livestock Sector in the Arid and Semi-Arid Zone (South Africa) - Principal Investigator: K.A. Galvin, Colorado State University

The Relationship of ENSO and Water-borne and Water-Related Disease in the Tropical Pacific (Pacific Islands) - Nancy Davis-Lewis, Ph.D., University of Hawaii

Disease Outbreaks Associated With Extreme Weather During the 1997/98 ENSO Event Report (Global) - Paul R. Epstein, Harvard Medical School, Center for Health and the Global Environment

ENSO & Vector Borne Disease Pilot Project: Malaria and Mosquitoes (Kenya-East African Highlands) - Andrew Githeko, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kakamega

A Historical Analysis of Cholera Dynamics in the Bengal Presidency 1870-1940 in Relation to ENSO and Rainfall (India/Bangladesh) - Mercedes Pascual, Ph.D., University of Maryland, Center for Marine Biotechnology

Prevention, Climate Forecasting and Remote Sensing: An Integrated Approach to Understanding the 1997-98 Outbreak and the Possibility of Prediction (East Africa) - Larry Tiezen, Ph. D., USGS and Dr. C.J. Peters, Centers for Disease Control and

Will ENSO Increase Malaria in the East African Highlands? (Kenya, East African Highlands) - Steve Lindsay, Ph.D., University of Durham, England

Surveillance and Monitoring of Health Consequences of the 1997-98 ENSO in Mozambique (Mozambique) - Jennifer Phillips, NASA

Climate and Weather Impact Summaries - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Compendium of Climate Variability and Impacts: 1997-98 El Nino - Climate Information Project (NOAA-OGP, USAID-OFDA)

Climate Forecasts and the Pacific Rim Grain Markets - Dan Sumner, University of California - Davis

Improving Epidemic Preparedness for Malaria Control in Africa Through Seasonal Forecasting and the Monitoring of Climate Variability. (South Africa). - Stephen J. Connor, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool L3 5QA,UK

Impacts of Environmental Variability on Tuna Fisheries in the Pacific Islands (Pacific Islands, joint with HD) - Michael Hamnett, Pacific Basin Development Council

The Relationship Between Water-Borne and Water-Related Diseases and ENSO Linked Events in the Pacific Islands (Pacific Islands, joint with HD) - Nancy Lewis, University of Hawaii/Manoa

Workshop on the Consequences of Climate Variability and Change in the Hawaii-Pacific Region: Challenges and Opportunities (Hawaii) - Richard Hagemeyer, Pacific Region NWS

La Nina 1998/99: Challenges and Opportunities for Indonesia - Kamal Kishore, ADPC

Workshop on Impacts of Population and Markets on the Sustainability of the Ocean and Coastal Resources: Perspectives of Developing and Transition Economies of the North Pacific (Seattle) - Kaczynski, University of Washington

Association of Rice Production and Climate Variability in the Asia-Pacific Region (Philippines) - Grace Centeno, International Rice Research Institute (IRR)

Northeastern South America Climate Outlook Forum (Brazil) - NOAA/OGP, IAI, WMO, IRI, FUNCEME, INPE

MesoAmerica Climate Outlook Forum (Panama) - NOAA/OGP, USAID/OFDA, WMO, IRI, CATHALAC, INRENAR, IAI

Caribbean Climate Outlook Forum (Jamaica) - USAID/OFDA, NOAA/OGP, WMO, IAI, UWI, IRI, ODPEM


Impacts of Environmental Variability on Tuna Fisheries in the Pacific Islands (South Pacific) - Michael P. Hamnett, Director, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii and Senior Policy Analyst, Pacific Basin Development Council

A Case Study of Burkina Faso; Opportunities and Constraints to Using Seasonal Precipitation Forecasting to Improve Rainfed Agricultural Production Systems and Livelihood Security (Sahel-Soudan Region) - Principal Investigator: Paul Kirshen, Tufts University

Improved Climate Forecasts and Grain Supply in East Asia: Implications for International Markets (East Asia) - Daniel A. Sumner, University of California, Davis

Social and Policy Implications of Seasonal Forecasting: A Case Study of Ceara, Northeast Brazil - Maria Carmen Lemos, University of Arizona

Climate Variations and the International Management of the North American Pacific Salmon Fishery: A Game Theoretic Perspective - Kathleen A. Miller, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Combining Risk Map Analysis and Climate Prediction: Effects of El Niño on Rural Households in Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) - T. Boudreau , Save the Children Fund/UK

The development of malaria prediction model for South Africa. (South Africa) - D. Lesueur, National Malaria research Institute, University of Zululand, South Africa.

Assessing Current And Potential Use Of Climate Forecasts For Communal Farm Management In Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe) - J. Phillips, IRI/Zimbabwe Met. Service

Creation of a First Version of a Practical Introductory Course on Seasonal to Interannual Climate Prediction, based on material developed at ACMAD. Niger - Neil Ward, Oklahoma University

The Development & evaluation of methods and models fore the application of seasonal Rainfall Forecasts to water Resources Management in the Mommas catchments area of South Africa. (South Africa) - Schulze, LEHU

Usefulness of Climate Forecasting Information for Drought Mitigation and Response from a Donor’s Standpoint (Global) - M. Dilley, USAID/OFDA

A Study of the Benefits of Incorporating ENSO Forecasts into Reservoir Operation and Hydroelectric Power Distribution Procedures (Colombia) - Peter Waylen, University of Florida.

Climate, Climate Forecasting and Sugar Production in Trinidad and Tobago (Trinidad and Tobago) - Roger Pulwarty, NOAA/CIRES/CDC

Variations in Spatial and Temporal Precipitation Patterns in the Trade Convergence Region (Panama) - Maria Donoso, Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean (CATHALAC) and NOAA/AOM

Applications of Multiple Lead-time Climate Predictions in the Region of Central America and the Caribbean (Colorado) - Henry Diaz, NOAA/CDC

An International Study on the Health Effects of ENSO in the Americas (Brazil) - Ulisses E. Confalonieri, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, National School of Public Health

Regional Assessments & Applications for Effects of Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Variability and Application of ENSO-Based Climate Forecasts to Agriculture in the Americas (South America) - Jim Jones, University of Florida

Pacific South America Climate Outlook Forum (Peru) - NOAA/OGP, IAI, WMO, IGP, INPESCA, IRI, SeaLand Advisory Services

Southeast South America Climate Outlook Forum (Uruguay) - NOAA/OGP, IAI, WMO, IRI, Uruguay Rural Association

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Updated January 8, 2004