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 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation: Our Changing Planet




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Climate and Societal Interactions Division (CSI)


NOAA Climate and Global Change Program for FY 2005 (non-federal applicants), Federal Register Notice

Letters Of Intent Due: 4/22/04
Full Proposals Due: 6/18/04

NOAA Climate and Global Change Program for FY 2005 (federal applicants)

Letters Of Intent Due: 4/29/04
Full Proposals Due: 6/25/04

The CSI Division

OGP's CSI Division stimulates and supports research and applications activities designed to links climate science to society in order to expand regional adaptive capactity in the face of climate change and variability. Specifically, CSI seeks to:

  • Identify, explore and communicate the information needs of a diverse suite of decision-makers in order to foster a solution-oriented focus to NOAA research and services;
  • Identify, understand and assess the sensitivity and adaptability of managed systems to climate;
  • Explore the uses and identify the limits of evolving knowledge to manage risks and opportunities related to climate variability and change; and
  • Catalyze and accelerate the development, prototyping and evaluation of tools and methods for productively connecting science to decision-making needs and structures.

Our programs include:

Climate Information Access Program (CIP)

With the growing success of RANET in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, CIP is helping to communicate imortant climate information in innovative ways with the successful outcomes. more...

Climate Variability and Human Health Program (CVHH)

By studying the link between climate variations and the spread of diseases like West Nile and malaria, researchers are working with public health partners in the U.S. and abroad to anticipate outbreaks and organize preventative measures. more ...

Joint Announcement on Climate Variability and Human Health for FY 2004

Environment, Science and Development (ESD)

Working in regions around the world, ESD seeks to catalyze and accelerate the use of science and technology in the resolution of key socioeconomic challenges, with a focus on applications of climate information and capacity buillding. more ...

Human Dimensions of Global Change Research (HDGCR)

By supporting scientific research on decision-making processes in the context of a variable climate system, practical application research improves the state of knowledge and in many case promotes societal benefits. more ...

Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA)

With eight RISA regions in the U.S., CSI provides long-term funding to support stakeholder focused, integrated multi-disciplinary research to improve regional adaptive capacity to changes in climate across a variety of timescales and impacts in multiple sectors. more ...

Presentation from February meeting in Alaska

For futher information, contact:
Claudia Nierenberg
Acting Asst Director, Climate and Societal Interactions
1100 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1225
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 427-2089 Fax: 301-427-2082

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Updated March 31, 2004