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Project Abstracts

The data and figures displayed in the abstracts below are the result of scientific research funded by NOAA's GAPP Program. Please contact the Principal Investigator before you cite any data or use any figure. Contact information is provided at the bottom of each abstract.

The information below is listed in the following order:

Principal Investigator
Project Duration
Project Title

Raymond W. Arritt
Iowa State Univ
Precipitation over the southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico

R.W. Arritt, W.J. Gutowski, Jr. and E.S. Takle
Iowa State University
Multi-Model Ensemble Simulations of the North American Monsoon System

Jeffrey B. Basara, Principal Investigator, Kenneth C. Crawford, Co- Principal Investigator
Oklahoma Climatological Survey, University of Oklahoma
Land-Atmosphere Memory Quantified Using Observations from the Oklahoma Mesonet and the NOAH Land Surface Model

Stanley G. Benjamin, John M. Brown, Tatiana G. Smirnova, Dongsoo Kim
NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
Improving the Initial Land-Surface State over Mountainous Areas through Assimilation of Observed Precipitation in a Coupled Model

Ernesto Hugo Berbery
An ETA Model Transferability Study with Applications to the Hydrological Cycle of the La Plata Basin

Michael G. Bosilovich
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Data Assimilation Office
Delineating the Mechanisms Influencing the North American Regional Hydrologic Cycle and Climate

A. Allen Bradley (Univ of Iowa), Stuart S. Schwartz (Univ of North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute)
Forecast Technology Integration for Water Resources Management

Martyn P. Clark, Andrew Barrett, and Mark C. Serreze
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Univ of Colorado at Boulder
3 years
One-and Two-Way Coupling of Atmospheric and Hydrologic Models

William R. Cotton
Colorado State Univ
Examination of Linkages between the Northwest Mexican Monsoon and Great Plains Precipitation

John D. Farrara and Jinwon Kim
Univ of California, Los Angeles
Understanding the Interannual Variability of the North American Monsoon and its Impact on Summer Precipitation throughout the United States

John D. Farrara, Jinwon Kim, Jin-Yi Yu
Univ of California, Los Angeles
Evaluating the Importance of Land-Surface processes for seasonal predictions of regional climate in the United States Project Duration

A. Gershunov, T. Barnett and D. Cayan
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Long Range Forecasting of Intraseasonal Hydrologic Extremes in the Contiguous United States

David S. Gutzler, Principal Investigator
Univ of New Mexico
Climatic Factors Modulating Warm Season Precipitation in Southwest North America

Dr. Wayne Higgins, Dr. Song Yang, Dr. Evgeney Yarosh and Dr. Wei Shi
Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS/NCEP
Relationships Between Moisture Transport and Precipitation During the North American Monsoon - Annual Report

Dr. Wayne Higgins, Dr. Wei Shi and Dr. Evgeney Yarosh
Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS/NCEP
Precipitation Analyses in Support of GAPP Modeling Initiatives - Annual Report

Dr. Wayne Higgins, Dr. Wei Shi and Dr. Evgeney Yarosh
Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS/NCEP
Improved U.S. Precipitation Quality Control System and Analysis

Paul R. Houser and Jared K. Entin
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
The North American Monsoon's Effect on Land Surface Predictability

Karen Humes
Univ of Idaho In cooperation with a parallel effort at USDA/NRCS National Water and Climate Center, Garry Schaefer
Validation and Improvement of Soil Moisture Measurements from the NRCS/SCAN Network

Dr. Haig Iskenderian
Northrop Grumman Information Technology
Cloud Variability and Depiction in Analyses and Observations

Jinwon Kim
The Effects of Orography on the Cold-season Hydrometeorology in California

Witold F. Krajewski
The University of Iowa
Development of Archival Precipitation Data Sets for the GCIP Domain

D.P. Lettenmaier, M.T.C. Perez
Univ of Washington, CICESE, Ensenada, Mexico
6/1/03 - 5/31/06
Assessment of Land Surface Hydrologic Predictability in the NAME Region Using a Derived Long-Term Land Surface Data Set

D.P. Lettenmaier
Univ of Washington
GCIP/GAPP Missouri River Water Resources Demonstration Project

L. Ruby Leung (PI), Shiyuan Zhong, and Mikhail Ovtchinnikov
Battelle, Pacific Northwest Division
Modeling the Topographic Influence on Cold Season Precipitation and ENSO Effects in the U.S. Pacific Northwest

Xu Liang
Dept of Civil and Environmental engineering
Univ of California, Berkeley, CA
An Investigation of Three Important Factors Affecting Soil Moisture in Land-Atmosphere Interactions: Surface and Groundwater Interactions; Surface Runoff Generations; and Subgrid Spatial Variabilities

Glen E. Liston and Roger A. Pielke, Sr.
Dept of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State Univ
Parameterizing Subgrid-Scale Snow-Cover Heterogeneities for use in Regional And Global Climate Models, Phase II Progress Report

Danny Marks, John Pomeroy, Timothy Link, Janet Hardy
Agriculture Research Service, Univ of Saskatchewan, Univ of Idaho, USACE-Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Influence of Sub-grid Variability on Snow Deposition and Ablation in North American Mountain Environments: Implications for Upscaling to Meso-scale Representations

David A. Matthews, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Improved Water Demand Forecasting for Water Resources Managers

Fedor Mesinger, Geoff DiMego, and Eugenia Kalnay
Camp Springs
NCEP Regional Reanalysis

Dr. Tilden P. Meyers
NOAA/ARL Univ of Wisconsin-Madison
Surface Energy and Carbon Flux Measurements Systems for Real-Time Assessment of Land Surface Models

Ken Mitchell
NOAA Core Project for GAPP: NCEP-Component

Kingtse Mo and M.Kanamitsu, Climate prediction center/NWS/NOAA
Summer precipitation simulations over the LSA-SW and the Southwest

Rachel T. Pinker
Dept of Meteorology-Univ of Maryland
Improvements of the NOAA/NESDIS GCIP Surface Radiation Budget Project

John O. Roads
Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Univ of California at San Diego
The summertime atmospheric hydrologic cycle over the southwestern US and northwestern Mexico

Peter Romanov
Office of Research and Applications, NOAA/NESDIS
Snow Fraction Dataset for North America for Use in Meteorological and Hydrological Models

Peter Romanov1,2, Dan Tarpley1 and Thomas Carroll3
1Office of Research and Applications, NOAA/NESDIS
2Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, CSU
3National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center, NOAA/NWS
Monitoring of Snow Depth over Great Plains Using Visible and Infrared Observations from Polar Orbiting and Geostationary Satellites

John Schaake, Pedro Restrepo
Office of Hydrologic Development, National Weather Service
GAPP Core Project: Hydrology Component

John Schaake, Pedro Restrepo
Office of Hydrologic Development, National Weather Service

Eric Small and David Raymond
New Mexico Tech
The influence of land surface forcing on seasonal and interannual variability of the North American Monsoon

Dr W. James Shuttleworth1 and Dr. Lixin Lu2
1Dept of Hydrology and Water Resources, Univ of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Impact of Interactive Vegetation On Predictions of the North American Monsoon

Soroosh Sorooshian
Dept of Hydrology/Water Resources, Univ of Arizona
Evaluation of Seasonal Hydroclimatic Forecasts from Water Management Perspectives

S. Sorooshian and X. Gao
Dept of Hydrology/Water Resources, Univ of Arizona
Improving meteorological and hydrological predictions of the semiarid southwestern U.S. using TERRA satellite land surface data

Huug van den Dool and Yun Fan
Retrospective U.S. LDAS project

Guiling Wang
Univ of Connecticut
Role of Soil Moisture and Vegeation Feedback in Seasonal Prediction of Precipitation over the Mississippi River Basin

David W. Watkins, Ph.D., Michigan Technological Univ
Use of Climate Forecasts in Multipurpose Reservoir System Management

C. P. Weaver, Roni Avissar, and R. L. Walko
Rutgers Univ, Duke Univ
10/1/01 - 9/30/04
An Investigation of Persistence in the Coupled Land-Atmosphere System: The Role of Soil Moisture

Eric F. Wood, Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research
Development of Hydrologic Nowcast and Forecast Products Using Land Data Assimilation System Output

Eric. F. Wood, Post-Doc
Princeton Univ
Land Surface Predictability Studies at GFDL

Song Yang and Huug van den Dool
NOAA/NWS/NCEP Climate Prediction Center
Selective response of precipitation to temporally and spatially varying forcing of snow and soil moisture (GC03-322)

Yongkang Xue
UCLA, Dept of Geography
Atmosphere-land surface coupling processes and hydrometeorological prediction - A study using the Eta/SSiB model

Xubin Zeng
Univ of Arizona
The Role of Land Processes in the North American Warm Season Precipitation Prediction

Chiodng Zhang, Bruce Albrecht, David Enfield
Moisture Budget in the Intra-Americas Seas, Its Transport into North America, and Their Roles in Warm-Season Precipitation

Dr. Tingjun Zhang, Dr. Richard Armstrong
University of Colorado at Boulder
Investigation of the Seasonal Freeze/Thaw Cycle of Soils in the GAPP Regions


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Last Updated September 2, 2004