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Timothy G. Vigotsky
Timothy G. Vigotsky
National Business Center
About Tim Vigotsky
Director, NBC

Timothy G. Vigotsky began his career with the Federal Government in 1979 at the Department of the Interior's U.S. Geological Survey as a Contract Specialist and in 1987, providing procurement support for the FIRM Team, signed a contract for the first DOI-wide standardized accounting system (FFS). In 1989 Tim left USGS and joined the Department of the Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing to head their procurement operation. In 1991, he was appointed into the senior executive service ranks at the age of 35 (less than 1% of senior executives are that age or younger).

With his appointment, Tim assumed the position of Assistant Director, Management with responsibility for all administrative operations for the world's largest security printer. In this role, he created many “first of their kind programs” such as University 2000 for career long employee development, the Labor-Management Partnership Council, Joint Labor-Management Training Workshops, and Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Business Symposiums, to name a few. While at BEP, Tim also developed new and innovative solutions to complex and enduring management problems, developed and implemented a buyout program hailed by OMB as an example for other agencies, re-engineered (strengthened and upgraded) organizations and, in the process, earned recognition for improved efficiency and cost reduction.

In 1997, Mr. Vigotsky returned to the Interior Department as the Director of the National Business Center. Mr. Vigotsky earned a Bachelor of Science degree from George Mason University where he graduated with honors. Tim went on to attend Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government and later served as an instructor in labor-management issues there. He is currently a member of Kennedy School of Government 's Career Services Alumni Board.

Most recently during the transition to the new Bush administration, Mr. Vigotsky has served as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Interior Department.

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U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Last Updated on 01/01/03
Department of the Interior www.nbc.gov NBC