Acquisition PMOS and Command Equivalent Information
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Acquisition PMOS and Command Equivalent Information

On 14 April 2004, the Executive Off Site* was briefed regarding the proposal developed by a Marine Corps-wide working group to create an acquisition officer primary MOS and establish select Program Manager positions as command equivalents. After discussion with the senior leadership the CMC approved the proposed plan and directed that a POA&M be developed.

The plan will create an acquisition officer primary MOS. It will allow officers in the grades of Major through Colonel with previous acquisition experience to request consideration for a lateral move to the acquisition primary MOS via an annual competitive board. Additionally, officers with the acquisition primary MOS will be screened annually for select acquisition command equivalents as part of the Command Screening Program.

Currently, planning is underway at HQMC to develop the details needed to implement CMC's decision. A MarAdmin describing the general requirements and scope of this new primary MOS will be published in August 2004. The first Acquisition Primary MOS Selection Board and Command Equivalent Slating Boards will be conducted in October 2005.

* The Executive Off Site is a CMC directed, periodic meeting of the Marine Corps three and four star generals.

Current Acquisition Program Page
Last modified on 04/28/2004
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