It All Adds Up To Clean Air
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Bullet Trip Chaining
Bullet Maintaining Your Car
Bullet Refuel in the Evening
Bullet Alternative Modes of Transportation
Bullet 10 Simple Steps
Bullet Did You Know?

Alliance for Clean Air Transportation

Clean Air Transportation Resources

Tomorrow, leave home without it. Your car that is. Just once or even twice a week, leave your car parked and get around another way. Try car pooling, taking mass transit, biking or walking. You'll help reduce traffic congestion and pollution - and save a lot of money and aggravation.

You may already be following this advice - millions of Americans do every day - but you probably don't realize that when you do, you're doing one of those things that add up to cleaner air! In fact, every time you share a ride, you're helping to reduce emissions by almost half. Taking mass transit can do just as much. And, of course, walking, biking and skating are the healthiest ways to travel - for both you and the environment.

For more information, please visit the Seasonal Theme Program section on Fall messages and materials.

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