Dietary Supplements and Herbs Question

You have selected Dietary Supplements and Herbs as the topic of your question. Below are some web pages which already may have the information you are seeking.

The Federal Trade Commission regulates fraudulent advertising claims and provides an advertising guide for industry.

The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine has information on Dietary Reference Intakes.

The Food and Nutrition Information Center, National Agriculture Library has information on Dietary Supplements and Herbs and Vitamins and Minerals.

The National Institutes of Health International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) database of published literature on dietary supplements

If you have questions about a specific dietary supplement, the following information may help:

The safety of a dietary supplement is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Consequently, FDA does not have general information available about the safety of various dietary supplement products.

When FDA responds to or takes action against products in the marketplace that are found to be unsafe or otherwise associated with problems, FDA posts this information on the FDA Dietary Supplement web page.

In addition, manufacturers who wish to use a new dietary ingredient (that is, one not in use prior to October of 1994) must submit a notice to FDA that includes information about the basis upon which they have determined the product to be safe. FDA puts these notices in the FDA Public Dockets and they can be reviewed by all interested persons. Use the search feature of the Public Dockets page to find the particular item you are interested in.

If you want to report the unlawful sales of dietary supplements on the Internet, see the Reporting Unlawful Sales form.

Because of the volume of mail, we can't answer every question we receive. We do, however, review all the questions to help us decide what material to include on the web site. Should you need to contact FDA please call FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition's toll free food information line.

Because some answers are more appropriate for a mail or telephone reply, it is important to include your full name, address, and phone number in addition to your email address when you write us.

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Please do not ask questions about specific dietary supplements. The safety of a dietary supplement is the responsibility of the manufacturer. Consequently, other than indicated above, FDA does not have general information available about the safety of various dietary supplement products.

  Thanks for your input.

You may also write or call CFSAN's Outreach and Information Center.

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