NOAA Ocean Explorer

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Explore the Ocean Realm with NOAA
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Spend some time with a Microbiologist and a Marine Archaeologist.

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Visit the much-expanded NOAA Ocean Explorer Gallery, containing hundreds of new images, animations and videos.

camera icon Magic Mountain Virtual Site

Explore the hydrothermal vents of the Magic Mountain chimney fields!

Exploration Videos camera icon Feature Videos
Recent videos from the exploration teams feature a sea star prey upon Bamboo coral, a community of shrimp playing "King of the Hill", Eye-In-The-Sea captures a giant squid and a large sixgill shark (QuickTime, each over 550k).
Exploration Slideshows slideshow icon Feature Slideshows
Recent slideshows from the exploration teams include visual logs of living Isidella sp. bamboo coral, the diversity of sponges on the Alaskan seamounts, the communities on Manning seamount, and a Young Modified Van Veen Grab sampler.

Submarine Ring of Fire 2004 offering Submarine Ring of Fire 2004
(March - April) An interdisciplinary team of scientists returned to the submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc to explore utilizing an underwater tethered robot (ROPOS).

Mountains in the Sea 2004 Mountains in the Sea 2004
(May) This mission to the New England seamount chain is complete. Visit the logs and explore the teams' findings.

Gulf of Alaska 2004

Gulf of Alaska 2004
The expedition team has completed exploring seamounts in the Gulf of Alaska. Read about their journey in the latest log.

Operation Deep Scope 2004 Operation Deep Scope
(August) The explorers tested non-invasive observation tools to observe and collect deep-sea samples. Read about these activities in their logs.

Estuary to the Abyss Estuary to the Abyss
(August) Scientists will work along a "Latitude 31-30 Transect" line that extends from the coast to the deep sea. The expedition will concentrate on deeper waters (greater than 400 m) of the Transect, to complement previous studies of shallow-water faunas.

Titanic 2004 Titanic 2004
(May-June) Nearly 20 years after first finding the sunken remains of the R.M.S. Titanic, marine explorer Robert Ballard returns to help study the ship's rapid deterioration.

Life on the Edge 2004 Life on the Edge 2004
(June) This mission off the coast of the Carolilnas is complete. Read about and explore what happened during this cruise.

Technology offering Ocean Exploration Technology
Many different technologies are required to conduct ocean exploration. Read about the submersibles, vessels and tools used to complete these missions.

Education offering Ocean Exploration Education
This section provides direct access to over 140 lesson plans, offers professional development opportunities for educators, and has an ocean career component.

Projects offering Ocean Explorer Projects
In addition to exploration offerings, this site covers several NOAA projects designed to test exploration technologies, explore cultural ties, or complement other exploratory work.
Did you know?1874-1877 - Commander Charles D. Sigsbee commands the Coast Survey Steamer Blake. Sigsbee modifies the Thomson Sounding Machine and designs an instrument termed the Sigsbee Sounding Machine. This becomes the basic model for wireline sounding in the deep sea for the next 50 years.

1873-1876 - Sir Wyville Thomson leads the British Challenger expedition, the first worldwide oceanographic cruise. Thomson dies before all of the results are compiled. Sir John Murray finishes the great work, publishing 50 volumes of the Challenger's results and discoveries.

The Office of Ocean Exploration's Announcement of Opportunity (AO) is now closed. Proposals are due October 12, 2004.

CD-ROM availableOcean Explorer CD-ROMs
Educators: download the 2003 season of our ocean exploration.

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A Look Back1961 - Scripps Institution of Oceanography begins development of the Deep Tow System which is the forerunner of all remotely-operated and unmanned oceanographic systems.

History offeringTake a comprehensive look at NOAA's 200-year history of ocean exploration.


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Educators: Professional development opportunities are available.

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Revised October 15, 2004 by the Ocean Explorer Webmaster
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