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Budget of the United States Government: Search Tips

Skip page jumps.Sample Searches | Identification Codes

The following sample searches are provided as guides to popular types of searches in the Budget of the United States Government databases. They are performed in the database for the FY 2000 budget. For the sake of space, only the top three or four hits in each results list are included with each example below.

Note: The results of these sample searches are described as they appear on the Web interface. The display of the results may vary for users of the WAIS client and SWAIS software.

Table of Contents | Subject | Book and Subject | Page Number

Sample Searches (4)

1. Search by Table of Contents

This type of search returns the table of contents for each of the budget publications from a given fiscal year.

Query: Select "All FY2000 Budget Publications" in the scroll box.
  Type "table of contents" in the search-terms box.
Results: [00 Budget Appendix] TABLE OF CONTENTS"
[00 Budget Perspectives] TABLE OF CONTENTS

2. Search by Subject

This type of search returns documents that are related to a specific subject. The word(s) that you enter as your search term(s) may appear anywhere within the document.

Query: Select "All FY2000 Budget Publications" in the scroll box.
  Type "deficit reduction" in the search-terms box.
Alternative:  deficit ADJ reduction
[00 Budget Perspectives] 12. FEDERAL BORROWING AND DEBT
[00 Budget Guide] 4. The Budget Surplus and Fiscal Discipline

3. Search by Book and Subject

This type of search returns documents that are related to a subject within a specified book. It differs from a general subject search (described above) in that it limits the results to one or more preselected books from the budget for a given fiscal year.

Query: Select "FY2000 Analytical Perspectives" in the scroll box.
  Type "national income" in the search-terms box.
Results: [00 Budget Perspectives] 16. NATIONAL INCOME AND PRODUCT ACCOUNTS
  [00 Budget Perspectives] LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES

4. Search by PageNumber

This type of search returns documents that appear wholly or partially on a specified page. You must include the word "page" in your query in order to eliminate the return of documents that include the page number as a numeric reference within the text.

Query: Select "FY2000 Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget" in the scroll box.
  Type "page 10" in the search-terms box.
Results: [00 Budget Guide] 2. Where the Money Comes From-- and Where it Goes

For documents that span more than one page, it is possible to find the full page range by consulting the heading in an ASCII text file or the "Go To Page" tool in the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Page breaks are indicated by separators (e.g., [[Page 8]]) in an ASCII text file or by a new page view in the Adobe Acrobat Reader; they may, as in a printed document, fall in the middle of a sentence.

Identification Codes

In the list that displays your query results, the title of each Budget of the United States Government document is preceded by an identification code. The identification code contains two elements:  a database abbreviation and a book identifier. For example, in the listing "[00 Budget Perspectives] 1. ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS," "00 Budget" indicates that the document is from the U.S. budget for fiscal year 2000, "Perspectives" is the name of the book (Analytical Perspectives), and "1. ECONOMIC ASSUMPTIONS" is the title of the document.   Other book identifiers include "Appendix," "Guide," "Tables," and "System." While identification codes are helpful for identifying certain attributes of a document in your results list, they cannot be used for searching within a query.