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Division of Realty


Coordinator:Decorative Photo collage

Chief: Patrick Carroll
e-mail: or

BHW Federal Building
1 Federal Drive
Ft. Snelling, MN 55111-4056
Phone: 612-713-5410
Fax: 612-713-5290
TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay)

Visit the Region 3 Realty Homepage

Ascertainment and Planning

Before a new refuge is established, or the boundary of an existing refuge is significantly revised, the Service completes a detailed planning process to consider the effects of the proposed actions. A team of biologists and planners identify potential new lands to be acquired or preserved in some other way.

The team works with local communities, landowners, state agencies, private conservation groups, and other interested parties to carefully plan where new lands and waters should be protected or restored for endangered species, migratory birds or other nationally important fish and wildlife conservation purposes.

The Service is also required to prepare management plans for existing refuges. These Comprehensive Conservation Plans (CCP) detail management direction on refuges for a 15 year period. The Planning staff ensures that all planning efforts comply with National Environmental Policy Act requirements.

Public involvement is an important component of all these planning processes.

Realty Management

Once properties are acquired, the Realty Management staff is responsible for managing real estate records for over one million acres of Service owned lands throughout Region 3.

The Realty Management staff also:

  • Processes non-funded land acquisition such as exchanges, donations, transfers and withdrawals
  • Provides surveying capabilities for land acquisition and boundary retracement
  • Land Acquisition

    The Realty Division's staff of appraisers and realty specialists works with landowners who have indicated an interest in selling their property, or property interests, to the Service. The appraisers determine fair market value and the realty specialists make the fee-title or easement purchases from these willing landowners. Lands are acquired by using funds from:

    The Migratory Bird Conservation Fund (received from the sale of Federal Duck Stamps)

    The Congressionally appropriated Land and Water Conservation Fund

    Natural Resource Damage Assessments

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    Region 3, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
    1 Federal Drive
    BHW Federal Building
    Fort Snelling, MN 55111
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