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Headings List

A Headings List displays as the result of any authorities search. A Headings List display consists of 4 columns:

[Image of a Headings List display]

Parts of this display: 

  • # - Authority records are available only for those headings in the Headings List that display with an icon in the leftmost column. The legend on the icon indicates whether the term in the Headings List is an authorized heading, a reference term ("see," "see also," or "used for" term), or has a scope note.
  • Bib Records - indicates the number of bibliographic records in the Library of Congress Online Catalog that contain the heading. The "Bib Records" column does not link to the bibliographic records; to view the bibliographic records in which a given heading appears, select the link Go to Library of Congress Online Catalog at the top of any Web Authorities screen.
  • View Authority Headings/References - lists the heading itself
  • Type of Heading - indicates the controlled vocabulary used for subjects; the type of author/creator (personal, corporate, meeting) for names and name/titles; or whether the heading is for a series or non-series for titles.

Zero Hits
A "0" (zero) in the Hits column means that no catalog records use the heading; instead users should select icon shown in the first column to find the authorized heading.

[from old catalog]
The designation [from old catalog] appears at the end of some headings. Taken from a previous database, these catalog records are being edited to comply with current cataloging standards and to reflect contemporary language and usage.


About the Icons and What They Link to...

[Authorized Heading Button] links to an authorized heading based on the "established" 1XX field of a retrievable authority record

[References Button]links to a non-authorized heading (4XX) providing access to another heading and an authority record for that other heading

[Authorized and References Button]

links to an authorized heading based on the "established" 1XX field of a retrievable authority record and a "See also:" reference (5XX) providing access to another heading and an authority record for that other heading

[Authorized, References and Notes Button]

links to an authorized heading based on the "established" 1XX field of a retrievable authority record, a "See also:" reference (5XX) providing access to another heading and a "Scope Note:" that provides additional information

[Authorized and Notes Button]links to an authorized heading based on the "established" 1XX field of a retrievable authority record, and a Scope Note that provides additional information

[Scope Notes Button] links to a scope note without a link to a complete authority record



  • More detailed information on Authorized Headings, References and/or Scope Notes is available.
  • The Headings List is a "browsable" index, placing you at the point in the index most closely matching your search words. Select [Previous Button]to view headings that precede your search words alphabetically or scroll down to view headings following your search words or select the [Next Page Button] icon to move to the next page of headings.

Use the browser's [Back] button to exit help and resume searching.

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June 27, 2002