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Search & Rescue

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Home Page for U. S. Coast Guard Search and Rescue
Program Information Search and Rescue (SAR) is one of the Coast Guard's oldest missions.  Minimizing the loss of life, injury, property damage or loss by rendering aid to persons in distress and property in the maritime environment has always been a Coast Guard priority.  Coast Guard SAR response involves multi-mission stations, cutters, aircraft and boats linked by communications networks.  The National SAR Plan divides the U.S. area of SAR responsibility into internationally recognized inland and maritime SAR regions.  The Coast Guard is the Maritime SAR Coordinator.  To meet this responsibility, the Coast Guard maintains SAR facilities on the East, West and Gulf coasts; in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico, as well as on the Great Lakes and inland U.S. waterways.  The Coast Guard is recognized worldwide as a leader in the field of search and rescue.
Program Points of Contact

USCG Rescue Coordination Centers (RCC's)

(National Search and Rescue Committee)
SAR Partner Links
SAR Statistics
About the SAR logo
SAR Facts and Information Sheets
Lifesaving Medals
SAR Tools

SAR Manuals

On Scene on line
Latest:  Summer 2004

The SAR Watch
Office of Search and Rescue Newsletter
Latest:  Issue 33 - September 2004

Free AMVER Seas Software

National Search And Rescue Committee

Automated Mutual-assistance Vessel REscue page USCG SAR JOBS...
...USCG Recruiting
Available On-Line:

Edition of the CG SAR Addendum, COMDTINST M16130.2D in MS Word & pdf

U.S. National SAR Plan in pdf U.S. National SAR Supplement to the IAMSAR Manual in pdf
  Initial National Response Plan
September 30, 2003
Department of Homeland Security
in pdf
Guidance for Mass Rescue Operations in pdf NEW  
NSARC approved text for Mass Rescue Operations for inclusion in the United States National Search and Rescue Supplement in MS Word
  Report:  Compatibility of Land SAR Procedures with Search Theory in pdf Land Search Sweep Widths Study in pdf  

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USCG Home Page
