
Building on the strengths of Sandia and Los Alamos to address the national grand challenges of nanoscience and technology, CINT has identified five research themes that serve as integrated synergistic building blocks. Through our discussions with potential CINT collaborators, particularly at our recent CINT Planning Workshop, we have engaged the broader scientific community in developing and refining these themes as follows.

Research Themes
The nano-bio-micro-interfaces theme will import biological principles and functions into artificial bio-mimetic nano- and microsystems.

Precise control of electronic and photonic wavefunctions to invoke novel and unique properties drives the nanophotonics and nanoelectronics theme.

Complex functional nanomaterials
will promote complex and collective interactions between individual components in materials to yield emergent properties and functions.

Understanding the underlying mechanisms of mechanical behavior of nanoscale materials and structures is the objective of the nanomechanics theme.

Theory and simulation will provide state-of-the-art computational resources needed to address complex, multiple length-scale problems.

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Operated by Lockheed Martin Corporation for the National Nuclear Security Administration,
of the US Department of Energy.

 Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration,
of the US Department of Energy.     Copyright © 2002 UC | Disclaimer/Privacy
January 26, 2004