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Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, 2004 Jump-Start User Program 

The Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) is a Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences Nanoscale Science Research Center (NSRC) jointly operated by Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories. As part of the National nanoscience infrastructure, CINT provides user access to state-of-the-art equipment, facilities and personnel for nanoscale science and engineering research. Prior to being fully operational in 2006, CINT is operating in a “jumpstart” phase that enables some equipment, facilities and personnel of the two sponsoring laboratories to be available to external users through a proposal submission and peer review process. There is no cost to users except for proprietary research.

User Facilities - Under the jump-start program, the CINT user community will have access to tools and capabilities that support CINT's overall focus on nanoscience integration. Fabrication and synthesis capabilities will allow the user to build and combine synthetic and biological materials and structures across nano to micro length scales. These capabilities include optical and E-beam lithography, patterned semiconductor, oxide and metal deposition and etch, MEMS, µfluidics, and photonic lattice fabrication, self-assembled meso-porous silica, self-assembled monolayer and LB films, semiconductor and metal quantum dots, and protein synthesis. The set of available characterization tools at jump-start include neutron diffraction, small-angle scattering and reflectivity at LANSCE, short-pulse and high magnetic field studies at NHMFL, low-temperature optical and electronic transport measurements, time-resolved optical spectroscopy and microscopy, scanning probe microscopy (AFM, STM, NSOM), and nanoindentation. Users can also apply for access to computer workstations and expertise in modeling that spans first-principles theory to continuum modeling approaches.

Science Focus - Preference will be given to proposals that will utilize CINT capabilities to address the following challenges:

(1) Integration of top-down fabrication with bottom-up assembly to create new classes of functional materials;

(2) Electronic energy transfer, charge transport, mechanical force and fluidic transport across multiple length scales;

(3) Integration of biological and synthetic materials, and control of the interface between biological and non-biological components.

General Users - The scientific community is invited to apply for open, no cost, access to CINT capabilities. Individual and team proposals from industry, academia, and other laboratories are welcome. Specific instructions for applicants, description of available resources, and key technical contacts are available on the CINT website ( http://CINT.lanl.gov or http://CINT.sandia.gov ). Proposals may request either short-term (few days) or long-term (weeks to months) access to CINT capabilities. Collaborations with CINT scientists at Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories are encouraged. Through a separate process, proposals for proprietary use of CINT resources (with full-cost recovery as required by the DOE) will be considered. Foreign National researchers can work at CINT if their visit is planned with sufficient lead-time (see CINT website).

Submitting Proposals
Before submitting a prop
osal, proposal authors must first view the Call for Proposals document and CINT Capabilities List and identify the appropriate research capability(s) related to their research. The proposal author discusses their research with the appropriate CINT Contact(s) and determines with the CINT Contact the relevance of the CINT capability to their research needs. There is no limit to the number of capabilities a user can access to do their research, although each CINT Contact must be contacted for each identified CINT Capability listed on the proposal.

Proposal Review
The Proposal Review Committee (PRC) will use criteria endorsed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics to evaluate user proposals. The principle criteria will be science quality, followed by relevance to CINT themes and programs. Proposals for proprietary use will follow a similar but separate process. PRC members will provide a spread in scores between highest and lowest rated proposals thereby providing the basis for CINT resource allocation. The CINT Management Team will balance PRC recommendations with available center resources to decide or award final user access.

User Modes
The CINT user program invites proposals for the external scientific community, including:

• Users who request access to specific tools that are part of the CINT user program. Depending on the specific tool and the users training on that tool, these interactions could involve direct access or access through CINT technical support personnel.

• Users who would like to access sets of tools and technical expertise that are part of CINT's scientific themes. Such proposals may wish to combine CINT expertise with complementary expertise of their own or they may wish to gain expertise in an area that will allow them to move in new research directions.

• Users who want to engage in a long-term research collaboration with laboratory scientists at CINT to expand existing CINT scientific themes or develop entirely new directions.

Neal Shinn, CINT Outreach
Sandia National Laboratories
P.O. Box 5800, MS-1415
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1415
Phone 505-844-5457
FAX 505-844-1197


Operated by Lockheed Martin Corporation for the National Nuclear Security Administration,
of the US Department of Energy.

 Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration,
of the US Department of Energy.     Copyright © 2002 UC | Disclaimer/Privacy

September 20, 2004