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Procedural Rules

Rules of Procedure

Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
(Updated as of 2/19/98)


Subpart A -- General Provisions

    2200.1   Definitions.
    2200.2   Scope of rules; applicability of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; construction.
    2200.3   Use of gender and number.
    2200.4   Computation of time.
    2200.5   Extensions of time.
    2200.6   Record address.
    2200.7   Service and notice.
    2200.8   Filing.
    2200.9   Consolidation.
    2200.10 Severance.
    2200.11 Protection of claims of privilege.
    2200.12 References to cases.

Subpart B -- Parties and Representatives

    2200.20 Party status.
    2200.21 Intervention; Appearance by non-parties.
    2200.22 Representation of parties and intervenors.
    2200.23 Appearances and withdrawals.
    2200.24 Brief of an Amicus Curiae.

Subpart C -- Pleadings and Motions

    2200.30 General rules.
    2200.31 Caption; Titles of cases.
    2200.32 Signing of pleadings and motions.
    2200.33 Notices of contest.
    2200.34 Employer contests.
    2200.35 Disclosure of corporate parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates.
    2200.37 Petitions for modification of the abatement period.
    2200.38 Employee contests.
    2200.39 Statement of position.
    2200.40 Motions and requests.
    2200.41 Failure to obey rules.

Subpart D -- Prehearing Procedures and Discovery

    2200.51 Prehearing conferences and orders.
    2200.52 General provisions governing discovery.
    2200.53 Production of documents and things.
    2200.54 Requests for admissions.
    2200.55 Interrogatories.
    2200.56 Depositions.
    2200.57 Issuance of subpoenas; Petitions to revoke or modify subpoenas; Right to inspect or copy data.

Subpart E -- Hearings

    2200.60 Notice of hearing; Location.
    2200.61 Submission without hearing.
    2200.62 Postponement of hearing.
    2200.63 Stay of proceedings.
    2200.64 Failure to appear.
    2200.65 Payment of witness fees and mileage; Fees of persons taking depositions.
    2200.66 Transcript of testimony.
    2200.67 Duties and powers of Judges.
    2200.68 Disqualification of the Judge.
    2200.69 Examination of witnesses.
    2200.70 Exhibits.
    2200.71 Rules of evidence.
    2200.72 Objections.
    2200.73 Interlocutory review.
    2200.74 Filing of briefs and proposed findings with the Judge; Oral argument at the hearing.

Subpart F -- Posthearing Procedures

    2200.90 Decisions of Judges.
    2200.91 Discretionary review; Petitions for discretionary review; Statements in opposition to petitions.
    2200.92 Review by the Commission.
    2200.93 Briefs before the Commission.
    2200.94 Stay of final order.
    2200.95 Oral argument before the Commission.
    2200.96 Commission receipt pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 2112(a)(1) of copies of petitions for judicial review of Commission orders when petitions for review are filed in two or more courts of appeals with respect to the same order.

Subpart G -- Miscellaneous Provisions

    2200.100 Settlement.
    2200.101 Settlement Judge procedure.
    2200.102 Withdrawal.
    2200.103 Expedited proceeding.
    2200.104 Standards of conduct.
    2200.105 Ex parte communication.
    2200.106 Amendment to rules.
    2200.107 Special circumstances; waiver of rules.
    2200.108 Official Seal of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.

Subpart H -- Settlement Part

    2200.120 Settlement part.

Subpart M -- E-Z Trial

    2200.200 Purpose.
    2200.201 Application.
    2200.202 Eligibility for E-Z Trial.
    2200.203 Commencing E-Z Trial.
    2200.204 Discontinuance of E-Z Trial.
    2200.205 Filing of pleadings.
    2200.206 Disclosure of Information.
    2200.207 Pre-hearing conference.
    2200.208 Discovery.
    2200.209 Hearing.
    2200.210 Review of Judge's decision.
    2200.211 Applicability of Subparts A through G.


Subpart A -- General Provisions

    2204.101 Purpose of these rules.
    2204.102 Definitions.
    2204.103 When the EAJA applies.
    2204.104 Proceedings covered.
    2204.105 Eligibility of applicants.
    2204.106 Standards for awards.
    2204.107 Allowable fees and expenses.
    2204.108 Delegation of authority.

Subpart B -- Information Required from Applicants

    2204.201 Contents of application.
    2204.202 Net worth exhibit.
    2204.203 Documentation of fees and expenses.

Subpart C -- Procedures for Considering Applications

    2204.301 Filing and service of documents.
    2204.302 When an application may be filed.
    2204.303 Answer to application.
    2204.304 Reply.
    2204.305 Comments by other parties.
    2204.306 Settlement.
    2204.307 Further proceedings.
    2204.308 Decision.
    2204.309 Commission review.
    2204.310 Waiver.
    2204.311 Payment of award.

This is a duplication of the Rules of Procedure of the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission codified in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations at Parts 2200 and 2204. The section numbers of the rules are the same as found in the Code of Federal Regulations, when published.

Requests for additional copies of this duplication should be addressed to:

    Office of Public Information
    Occupational Safety and Health
    Review Commission
    One Lafayette Centre
    1120 20th Street, N.W., Suite 900
    Washington, DC 20036-3419

Parties to cases should address their request for additional copies to:

    Office of the Executive Secretary
    Occupational Safety and Health
    Review Commission
    One Lafayette Centre
    1120 20th Street, N.W., Suite 980
    Washington, DC 20036-3419

Any suggestions for amendments to the rules should be addressed to the Executive Secretary.

Last Updated: March 27, 2003

Green Rule

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