
Required User Data
If you are not a US citizen and are planning to visit CINT, please fill out this questionnaire prior to your visit. (***questionnaire not yet available online***)

If you are a US citizen planning to visit CINT, please fill out this questionnaire prior to your visit. (***Questionnaire not yet available online***)

Planning Your Trip
If you are planning to visit CINT/Los Alamos or CINT/Sandia you should make arrangements through your local contact or host. All safety and access procedures must be adhered to while on-site. Your local contact or host will inform you regarding procedures for site access and will provide you with any additional assistance while you are here. For general procedural inquiries, please contact the appropriate person listed below.

Local Arrangements
. . . at Los Alamos
General information about visiting Los Alamos National Laboratory
General information about the community of Los Alamos
Contact: Laurie Lauer, 505.667.9243,

. . . at Sandia
General information about visiting Sandia National Laboratories
General information about the city of Albuquerque
Contact: Heather Brown, 505.844.9580,

Required Training
Information on the training required during your visit to CINT will be available soon.



Operated by Lockheed Martin Corporation for the National Nuclear Security Administration,
of the US Department of Energy.

 Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration,
of the US Department of Energy.     Copyright © 2002 UC | Disclaimer/Privacy
April 22, 2003