Welcome to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) section of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP) web site.  The EIS section was developed to keep you informed about the EIS and the project planning process.


The Project released a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in December 2000. In March, the Project released a Supplemental Draft EIS which supplemented the Eastside and Upper Columbia River Basin (UCRB) Draft EISs, which were released in May 1997.

The release of the Final EIS initiated a protest process that began on December 15 and closed on January 16, 2001.

In January 2003 the Regional Executives for the USDA Forest Service, Forest Service Research, USDI Bureau of Land Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Environmental Protection Agency signed a Memorandum of Understanding completing the Project. The agencies signing the MOU agree to cooperatively implement The Interior Columbia Basin Strategy. The agencies developed an Aquatic/Riparian Habitat Framework (July 2004) to clarify the Interior Columbia Basin Strategy relative to the aquatic and riparian habitat components.

  • Press Release on Completion of ICBEMP(2/03)
  • ICBEMP Memorandum of Understanding(2/03)
  • The Interior Columbia Basin Strategy(2/03)
  • Summary information and questions and answers(2/03)
  • The Aquatic/Riparian Habitat Framework(7/04)
  • Public Involvement
  • EIS and Associated Documents

  • NO response will be made via this Home Page

    This Web Site is maintained by the USDA Forest Service and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project.


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