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Foreign Press Center Assistance for the 2004 Elections




Due to funding and staffing constraints, the Foreign Press Centers will unfortunately not be able to provide personalized assistance to visiting foreign journalist during the 2004 elections.

Following a model we developed during the Primary season we are going to offer a series of working preview tours of major “battleground” states which will enable journalists to study these states, understand the issues, make contacts, get interviews and, in several cases, attend the Presidential or Vice-presidential debates. We will also study some of the Senatorial, House and Gubernatorial elections if they are nationally relevant.

On these tours, the FPC selects a hotel in one or more cities where we set up a control room and organize a series of briefings that the journalists may choose to attend. We will provide hotel contact information, obtaining special rates where possible, in the event that journalists wish to stay in the same hotel as FPC staff. We will also have a list of experts and contacts on many issues. We will not provide transportation; most journalists choose to rent their own cars in order to have the freedom to develop their own stories. The FPC provides a basic structure and assists with logistics where necessary.

Both major campaigns have been releasing schedules only a few days in advance. It is impossible to predict, therefore, where a journalist will be able to attend a Bush or Kerry event next week, much less in several months. In the Fall, the candidates might be expected to spend more time in “battleground” states, but we have no way of knowing which ones in advance.

Any journalist traveling to the US should carry the following identification and press credentials:
-An “I” visa
-A letter from his media outlet stating that he represents that outlet. The letter should be in English on the outlet’s letterhead. It must be an original. The White House, which is currently managing access to Bush-Cheney campaign events, will not accept faxes or photocopies. The journalist should have several copies.
-A photo ID Press Pass issued by the journalist’s media outlet, journalist organization, government (such as ministry, police, fire department, etc.) or other press certification group. If it can be worn on a lanyard to be easily visible that it preferred.
- Business cards with the journalist’s name, media outlet and contact information.

Journalists should plan on renting a US cell phone with a US phone number. Most people in the US do not have international calling capability on their cellphones and are less likely to return a phone call to an international cellphone even from a land line. Renting a US cell phone is neither difficult nor expensive.


The Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs is unable to provide funding for the Foreign Press Center to be present at the Conventions this year. However, the House and Senate Press Galleries will make floor Passes available at the Conventions to foreign journalists on a rotating basis. We are trying to arrange for outside organizations to provide briefings for correspondents.

Application instructions for credentials (which provide access to the overall convention sites) are included with this memo as a separate attachment. The memo includes the address for the housing office for the Republican Convention.
The deadline has passed for applying for housing assistance through the housing office for the Democratic Convention. Hotel space in Boston is extremely limited and very expensive. There is no parking near the FleetCenter; Convention attendees should plan on using public transportation.

At this time we have the following DRAFT schedule for working purposes only. This is still a work in progress. We will give you updates as we have them.


July 26-29 Democratic National Committee Convention
FleetCenter, Boston
Deadline for credential applications is May 28, 2004


The Foreign Press Center is planning a working preview tour to South Dakota in early August for the Senatorial race between Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle and his Republican challenger, former Congressman John Thune. Daschle’s seat is in jeopardy and the Senate is close enough that the Republican could lose control. Each August Daschle spends several weeks driving alone across the state and journalists would have real access to him. It is predicted that President Bush will campaign for Thune. This is going to be a very important race.

August 30 – September 2 Republican National Committee Convention
Madison Square Garden, New York City
Deadline for credential applications is May 28, 2004


·Week of September 20 – working preview tour in a battleground state* TBD

·Week of September 27 - working preview tour in a battleground state*- Probably Florida so that we can include the
September 30 – First Presidential Debate – Coral Gables, Florida


·Week of October 4 - working preview tour in a battleground state – Probably Ohio*
so that we can include the
October 5 – Vice-presidential Debate – Cleveland, Ohio
and journalist will be able to attend the nearby
October 8 – Second Presidential Debate – St. Louis, Missouri

·Week of October 11 - working preview tour in a battleground state*- Probably Arizona so that we can include the
October 13 – Third Presidential Debate – Tempe, Arizona

·Week of October 18 - working preview tour in a battleground state* TBD

·Week of October 25 - working preview tour in a battleground state* TBD

·Election Weekend through Election Day – TBD

There will be an Election Night Event with briefings at the Foreign Press Center in Washington. It is not known yet at what time exit polls will be released; they may not be available until polls close in California, which will be at least 11:00 PM EST.

November, December

In the event that Senator John Kerry wins the election or there is a situation such as occurred in 2000 in Florida, the FPC will plan briefings and tours to cover the transition or situation as required.


The Foreign Press Center will provide assistance for coverage of the Inauguration and State of the Union Address.

Battleground States

At this time, the only sure bets are Ohio, California and Florida. Texas is likely because it is the President’s home State. We are also considering Arizona because of the large Latino population and to allow journalists to attend the debate in Tempe. Michigan is a strong possibility because of the number of Muslim immigrants and the number of issues that affect the entire country: labor, unemployment, outsourcing, gun control, abortion, school choice affirmative action, etc.

The decision will be made in adequate time to allow travel plans.

If you have any question, please contact:
Margaret Holwill
Program Officer for US Politics and Congress
Washington Foreign Press Center



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