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American Soldier Defender of Freedom
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American Soldier Defender of Freedom

In December of 2003, the Army National Guard launched the "Freedom Salute Campaign", an unprecedented program designed to recognize Army National Guard soldiers, their families, and others who have supported them as they answered the call to duty-both at home and abroad.

Eligible soldiers include those who were mobilized under one of three Operational Orders (Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom, or Iraqi Freedom) or were on orders in support of those Operations for more than 30 days. (This includes state active duty mobilized soldiers and Title 10 soldiers). Each eligible soldier will receive an encased American Flag, a sequentially numbered commemorative coin; a "Defender of Freedom" certificate signed by Lieutenant General Roger C. Schultz, Director of the Army National Guard, and Command Sergeant Major A. Frank Lever, III, 7th Command Sergeant Major, Army National Guard; and a lapel insignia. The soldier's spouse and children will also receive items recognizing their support and contribution.

In addition, each eligible soldier will be able to recognize one individual or organization for outstanding support during the soldier's mobilization. This recognition will be in the form of a commemorative lapel insignia and a medallion with ribbon.

National Guard State Marketing NCOs are the points of contact and are the only persons authorized to nominate units and soldiers. If you have questions about whether your soldier or his unit have been nominated, you should contact the National Guard State Marketing NCO at your state National Guard headquarters.

More detailed information about this campaign may be found at

Fast Fact
 In fiscal year 2002, Army National Guard soldiers deployed to 85 countries.

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