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Publishing Policy Changes
Publishing Policy Changes in Effect January 1, 2004
New Numbering for Open-File Reports
Copyediting Guidance

Publishing Policy Changes in Effect January 1, 2004

At the request of GIO Karen Sideralis, the Publishing Issues Group (PIG) and designated subteams have developed bureau-wide policies for publishing. These policies will help achieve bureau-wide consistency and will facilitate integrated, interdisciplinary publications.

On January 1, 2004, the following changes to USGS series publications became effective.

(1) New series definitions and series name changes

Series include Professional Paper, Scientific Investigations Report, Scientific Investigations Map, Circular, Fact Sheet, General Information Product, Methods and Techniques (limited use), Open-File Report (limited use; more policing expected), and Administrative Report (limited use and not recommended). In addition, several specialized "periodical" series will be available (Minerals Yearbook, etc.); these were not reviewed under the current policy revision.

Geology has few changes in available series or their use--Bulletins rolled into the newly named Scientific Investigatons Report, continues numbering of Bulletin; I-maps still called I-maps but included Scientific Investigations Map, continues numbering of I-maps; MF maps rolled into I-maps; DDS now simply Data Series; OFRs still available but more limited; availability of the Methods and Techniques series; General Information Products will include posters, postcards, and bookmarks. All reports, including GIPs, must be logged in to one of the Pubs Groups, be approved, and be assigned a number from the Reports Numbering System.

The Pubs Groups will automatically take care of series name changes, rolling over to the new numbers and names after January 1. Publications that already have numbers assigned under the current names will be published with the current names, as will lettered chapters in bulletins that are already numbered.

The policy and definitions are in Survey Manual chapter 1100.3.

Please note that the "media release" definition for most series has been expanded to include the greatest choices of release. The requirement that all publications in GD be released electronically, and preferably online, still remains. All series can now be released online only, and print on demand is now available for I-maps. When demand warrants, print is still an option. This decision can be made with the Publications Group editors or chief when a pub plan is created.

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(2) MAJOR CHANGE: All reports, including OFRs and Administrative Reports, outsides and abstracts, must have two technical reviews.

Only the OFR and Administrative Report part of this policy has been implemented. Please assure that this is done for all work in progress not yet submitted. [Note: The other disciplines have long required that all reports have two reviews. This policy change follows the guidelines being discussed by the Fundamental Science Practices Team.]
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(3) MAJOR CHANGE: All reports, including OFRs, Administrative Reports, outsides and abstracts, and Web pages, must be edited.

Again, only the OFR and administrative report part of this policy has been implemented.

Three levels of edit have been defined for the USGS--copy (I), moderate (II), and substantive (III). Outsides, abstracts, Administrative Reports, and OFRs will require a level I (copy) edit, described briefly below. A copyedit within the Teams is not required for manuscripts normally submitted for editing within one of the Publications Groups (such as Professional Papers, I-maps, or Fact Sheets) because copyedits are included in all higher level edits.

A copyedit consists of checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, compounding, hyphenation, symbols, and internal consistency. It also includes checking that USGS publishing requirements (such as proper use of USGS Visual Identity and cooperator logos and 508 compliance for Web products) have been met on OFRs.

All USGS series publications other than Open-File Reports and Administrative Reports must have at least a level II edit by a qualified technical editor (in GD, that means within the publications groups). High-end, high-profile, and publications intended for general audiences will probably receive level III (substantive) edits. There is little change in this part of the policy for GD because this is what we have been doing all along--determining the level of edit with the author and based on the specific needs of the individual publication.

The GD pubs groups may not be able to absorb this extra work, especially when outsides and abstracts are added to the mix. The policy and guidance allow the cost center managers to designate a qualified person within the cost center to carry out a level I copyedit. A qualified person might be a scientist, intern, editorial assistant, or secretary with good English skills. Each TCS should designate a qualified person or persons within the Team or contact the pubs chief to address this issue. The Publications Group will provide your designee with training in level I copyediting. This edit also can be done in conjunction with the technical peer review. In any case, a separate line on the route sheet should be used and "copyedit" should be written in the first column so that the approving official knows this edit has been completed.

The draft policy recommendation developed by a PIG subteam and included as Appendix H of the Competitive Sourcing Scoping Team Report provides more details.

[Note: The other disciplines have long required that all manuscripts, including outsides and abstracts, be edited to some extent. This policy change follows the guidelines being discussed by the Fundamental Science Practices Team.]

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(4) MAJOR CHANGE: The Fundamental Science Practices Team, the ELT, and Amy Holley have determined that editorial disclaimers are not to be used. Only the following statements may be used, when applicable:

"Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government" and "This report (map) was prepared under contract to (a grant from) the U.S. Geological Survey"; and on Open-File Reports only, "Released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request."

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(5) No changes to delegated Director's approval, which still resides with the GD Pubs Chiefs at this time.

Please consult your Publications Chief or Publications Group staff about these changes and how they will affect work you have in progress with us and future manuscripts.
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U.S. Department of the Interior - U.S. Geological Survey
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