DATES in 2004 |
Aug. 25-28 |
Setubal, Portugal |
ICETE - International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks |
Aug. 25-28 |
Setubal, Portugal |
ICINCO - International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation & Robotics |
Aug. 25-28 |
Stockholm, Sweden |
EuroScience Open Forum |
Aug. 29-30 |
Toronto, Canada |
Second International XML Database Symposium |
Aug. 29-31 |
Beijing, China |
Second International Conference on the Future of the Book |
Aug. 29-Sept. 3 |
Toronto, Canada |
30th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
Aug. 31-Sept. 2 |
Berlin, Germany |
International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting |
Sept. 1-3 |
Aalborg, Denmark |
12th Nordic Conference on Information and Documentation |
Sept. 1-3 |
Dublin, Ireland |
ISIC 2004: Information Seeking in Context |
Sept. 5-8 |
Newcastle, England |
Digital Resources for the Humanities |
Sept. 6-8 |
Beijing, China |
International Conference of the Digital Library |
Sept. 6-8 |
Pisa, Italy |
DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries |
Sept. 12-17 |
Bath, England |
European Conference on Digital Libraries |
Sept. 13-15 |
Barcelona, Spain |
International Conference on Web Delivering of Music |
Sept. 13-17 |
London, England |
Digital Futures Academy: From Digitization to Delivery |
Sept. 15-18 |
Salzburg, Austria |
3rd International Metainformatics Symposium |
Sept. 20-22 |
Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
ERPANET - Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network Seminar |
Sept. 20-24 |
Beijing, China |
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence |
Sept. 20-24 |
Pisa, Italy |
European Conference on Machine Learning and European Conference on Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases |
Sept. 27-28 |
University of Salzburg |
eCulture Symposium |
Sept. 27-29 |
Jakarta, Indonesia |
International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services |
Sept. 29-Oct. 1 |
Pushchino, Russia |
National Russian Research Conference on Digital Libraries |
Oct. 1-3 |
Arlington, Va. |
32nd Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy |
Oct. 1-3 |
Montreal, Canada |
11th Online Audiovisual Catalogers Biennial Conference |
Oct. 3-6 |
Long Beach, Calif. |
ARMA International Conference and Expo, Association for Information Management Professionals |
Oct. 6-9 |
Madrid, Spain |
International Association for Development of the Information Society International Conference |
Oct. 8-10 |
St. Louis, Mo. |
ALA | LITA National Forum |
Oct. 10-12 |
London, England |
Internet Librarian International |
Oct. 10-13 |
Spokane, Wash. |
RuralTeleCon '04 |
Oct. 10-14 |
Barcelona, Spain |
ISMIR 2004 - 5th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval |
Oct. 11-14 |
Shanghai, China |
DC-2004 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications |
Oct. 12-14 |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
WSEAS International Conference on Information Security |
Oct. 12-15 |
Shanghai, China |
Shanghai International Library Forum |
Oct. 18-22 |
Brasilia, Brazil |
19th Brazilian Symposium on Databases |
Oct. 19 |
Salzburg, Austria |
1st Salzburg Media Day |
Oct. 19-22 |
Denver, Colo. |
EDUCAUSE 2004 Conference |
Oct. 13-16 |
Memphis, Tenn. |
Ethics of Electronic Information in the 21st Century Symposium |
Oct. 22 |
Maryville, Mo. |
Brick and Click Libraries Symposium |
Oct. 25-29 |
Larnarca, Cyprus |
12th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems |
Oct. 25-29 |
Seattle, Wash. |
Pacific Northwest Preservation Management Institute Workshop |
Nov. 9-11 |
National Library of Australia, Canberra |
Archiving Web Resources - International Conference |
NDIIPP Makes Awards of $15 Million to 8 Institutions Press release
The National Strategy Advisory Board convened on June 28, 2004, in Washington, D.C. Presentations in Powerpoint, as well as a Webcast, are now available.
Digital Preservation Program Launches Research Grants Initiative
Library of Congress Partners with National Science Foundation. Click here to read more.
Library of Congress Announces Joint Digital Preservation Project With Four Universities
Library to Work with Old Dominion, Johns Hopkins, Stanford and Harvard Universities. Click here to read more.
New Section in Digital Preservation Web Site
There's a new section on this Web site, called News & Events. Here you will find a newsletter, a list of relevant links and a calendar of events for upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops and symposia related to digital libraries.
Many documents on this site are prepared in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF). A free reader can be downloaded from the Adobe site for viewing. |