Office & Administrative Services Human Resources and Equal Employment Opportunity; Schedule 738X

Federal Supply Schedule 738X offers Human Resources (HR) & Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) solutions. This schedule provides a source for complete worldwide services for all aspects of HR and EEO services from the best in the business.


(Special Item Number (SIN) 595-21)

A. Planning
B. Recruitment and Internal Placement
C. Pre-employment Screening
D. Position Classification
E. Personnel Actions
F. Training
G. Employee Assistance
H. Employee Relations
I. Outplacement

Let highly skilled contractors help with human resources support services. Approved contractors can;

  • Forecast future demand for and supply of employees
  • Assist in recruitment and internal placement, including promotion and assignment services.
  • Conduct pre-employment screenings, including investigation and verification.
  • Provide support in job classification functions and in processing a range of federal and military personnel actions.
  • Offer specific training support, as well as employee assistance, employee relations, and outplacement services.

Review and Integration Related Services (SIN 595-23) These contractors can show how to integrate various functions - like payroll and personnel record keeping.

Workers' Compensation Services (SIN 595-24)  Skilled contractors under the Human Resources Services listing can research and develop a complete case management for employees with the very aim of reducing lost work hours and workers' compensation costs.

Approved contractors can provide;

  • Support management of claims processing, monitor hearing and appeal responses, and counsel claimants in filing injury reports.
  • Develop training programs and return-to-work strategies, complete claims revalidation assessments and administrative help for workers' compensation needs.

EEO Services on Schedule Investigation of Discrimination Complaints and Preparation of Reports of Investigation (SIN 595-1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 18)

SIN 595-1 Individual Case Complaints - Involving One (1) Issue
SIN 595-2 Individual Case Complaints - Per Additional Complaint Issue
SIN 595-3 Individual Case Complaints - Continuing Violation
SIN 595-5 Consolidated Case - One (1) Issue
SIN 595-6 Consolidated Case - Per Additional Issue
SIN 596-7 Consolidated Case - Continuing Violation
SIN 595-9 Additional Copies of Investigation Reports
SIN 595-18 On-Line Reporting System (Optional)

Preparation of an Analysis and Recommended Final Agency Decision (FAD) in Discrimination Complaints (SIN 595-4, 8)

SIN 595-4 Individual Case
SIN 595-8 Consolidated Case

The firms awarded contracts can provide agencies with an analysis and final agency recommendation for an individual or consolidated discrimination case that is legally sufficient for the complainants who believe they have been discriminated against.

Inquiry, Resolution Attempt, and Preparation of an Analysis and Recommended Final Agency Decision (FAD) on Allegations of Noncompliance with Settlement Agreements or Final Decisions (SIN 595-10)  If time is an issue, seek the  professionals who are listed in this Federal Supply Schedule. 

Resolution Attempt and Report of Inquiry Regarding Notices of Intent to Sue Underage Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as Amended (SIN 595-11, 12)

SIN 595-11 Individual Case
SIN 595-12 Consolidated Case

GSA has contracts with companies that can inquire, attempt a resolution, and prepare an inquiry report for any age discrimination case needing to be addressed. 

Alternative Dispute Resolution (SIN 595-13) The contracted firms offer alternative dispute resolution (ADR) professionals trained in attempting resolution of discrimination allegations.

Reference Materials (SIN 595-14) GSA has contracted firms that can provide an agency with a variety of reference materials relating to EEO programs - from desk guides to pamphlets to booklets to posters.

EEO Training and Consulting (SIN 595-15) The firms contracted provide agencies with  EEO training and consultation services. They offer customized or off-the-shelf training for the instruction and development of EEO training courses. They can provide courses for employees, supervisors, managers, team leaders, and others on the policy of the government to provide equal opportunity in employment for all persons, to prohibit discrimination in employment, and to promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity.

EEO Counseling - Individual and Class Complaint (SIN 595-16)  The firms GSA has contracted provide EEO counseling for aggrieved employees or applicants for employment.

Last Modified 4/2/2004