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Schedules Schedules News

FSS Center for Acquisition Excellence Campus
Available 24-7 and Always Current

Keeping up-to-date on the GSA Federal Supply Service (FSS) acquisition programs has never been easier. Training is convenient and current with online access to the redesigned and renamed FSS Center for Acquisition Excellence Campus!

GSA opened the FSS Center for Acquisition Excellence Campus when it recognized the need to offer Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) training to a wider audience than those who attend traditional classroom training. The site has recently been redesigned to provide a state-of-the-art online training tool. The Learning Center, within the campus, offers the courseware catalog, schedule and site registration for currently available classroom sessions, student enrollment capabilities, access to online courses, and links to course notes and assignments.

The following GSA Schedule courses are now online:

  • Using GSA Schedules—Customers;
  • Cooperative Purchasing;
  • How to Become a Contractor; and
  • Basic Contracting for FSS Personnel.

A new online user acquisition tool, GSA Schedule Order Checklist, is also up and running to assist contracting personnel in identifying the steps to properly issue and administer GSA Schedule contract orders.

When students first access the FSS Center for Acquisition Excellence Campus, they are asked to register. The system can track accomplishments, print out training certificates, and maintain an ongoing training record for each student. Students have access to their own records.

The FSS Center for Acquisition Excellence Campus is a site that provides accredited training, resources, and expertise on GSA Schedules. It provides acquisition training that includes the latest GSA Schedules-relevant information, news, and updates to personnel in other agencies who are authorized to order from GSA's Schedules. It also serves vendors who have an interest in the GSA Schedules Program, and GSA associates. The new FSS Center for Acquisition Excellence Campus offers:

  • Expanded functionality;
  • In-depth courses;
  • Reference links;
  • Bulletin boards;
  • Course surveys for user feedback;
  • An "Ask the Expert" feature;
  • Videos; and
  • 508 compliance.

FSS Campus Available 24-7 and Always Current.

Last Modified 10/13/2004