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Sponsored by: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Transportation

Training Courses

Best Workplaces for CommutersSM offers two training courses—one designed for employers and one for local partner organizations. Review the descriptions below to learn more about each course as well as how to bring one or both to your metro region.

Commuter Benefits Seminar (262K PDF)
Geared towards employers, this one-day seminar developed by EPA, DOT, and the American Management Association introduces how to create an effective commuter benefits program and integrate it into your total benefits package. Attendees identify Best Workplaces for Commuters benefit options and put together a customized plan that meets the National Standard of Excellence for commuter benefits.

Social Marketing Training
Geared towards local partners, the Academy for Educational Development designed this course to help you improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. The workshop uses examples from popular social marketing campaigns to illustrate effective messages and strategies. The training focuses on strategic marketing concepts, such as segmenting and targeting desired behaviors, understanding behavioral challenges, and drafting strategic marketing plans.

If your organization is interested in participating in or sponsoring one or both of the courses in the future, please Contact Us.

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