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Fact Sheet: Coalition Contributions to the War on Terrorism

Following is the text of the June 7 Defense Department fact sheet, as revised on June 14:

(begin fact sheet)

Department of Defense
Office of Public Affairs
Fact Sheet
June 7, 2002
(Revised June 14, 2002)

International Contributions to the War Against Terrorism

Coalition partners from across globe are fighting against evil of terrorism.

The terrorism of September 11th was not just an attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world. Citizens from more than 80 countries died that day -- innocent men, women and children from across the globe. Within hours of the tragedy, coalitions involving many nations assembled to fight terrorism -- literally hundreds of countries have contributed in a variety of ways -- some militarily, others diplomatically, economically and financially. Some nations have helped openly, others prefer not to disclose their contributions.

The United States began building the military coalition on September 12, 2001, and there are currently 69 nations supporting the global war on terrorism. To date, 20 nations have deployed more than 16,000 troops to the U.S. Central Command's region of responsibility. This coalition of the willing is working hard every day to defeat terrorism, wherever it may exist.

In Afghanistan alone, our coalition partners are contributing more than 8,000 troops to Operation Enduring Freedom [OEF] and to the International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] in Kabul -- making up more than half of the 15,000 non-Afghan forces in Afghanistan. The war against terrorism is a broad-based effort that will take time. Every nation has different circumstances and will participate in different ways. This mission and future missions will require a series of coalitions ready to take on the challenges and assume the risks associated with such an operation.

Below is a partial list of military contributions to the war on terrorism from some of the countries that have lent their support. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive, but to give the reader a sense of the important role played by the coalition of coalitions in the global war on terrorism [GWOT]. This list will be updated monthly.


-- Granted overflight rights to all NATO aircraft in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

-- Opened seaports for refueling and maintenance support for the war against terrorism.


-- Provides overflight rights.


-- Australian Special Operations Forces (SOF) are currently in Afghanistan performing the full spectrum of SOF missions. A second rotation of these forces has occurred and demonstrates Australia's ongoing support of operations in Afghanistan.

-- Australia has deployed two dedicated KB-707 aircraft to Manas, Kyrgyzstan, to conduct day and night flight missions with U.S. and French aircraft. The deployment also includes a significant number of support personnel.

-- The Royal Australian Air Force is filling a key wing leadership position (Operations Group Commander) at Manas.

-- Australia has three ships deployed to the Central Command (CENTCOM) AOR [Area of Responsibility] supporting naval operations. They are HMAS Manoora, HMAS Canberra, and HMAS Newcastle. They are conducting Maritime Interception Operations (MIO) in the Arabian Gulf and enforcing U.N. sanctions against Iraq.

-- The National Command Element, led by Brigadier Gary Bornholt, is forward-deployed in the region providing command and control for deployed forces.

-- Australia suffered the first non-U.S. military fatality on February 16, 2002 -- Sgt. Andrew Russell was killed in action as the result of a land mine explosion. Previously, another member of Australia's Special Forces lost his foot in another land mine incident. He is recovering in Australia.

-- Fighter aircraft were deployed to perform Combat Air Patrol (CAP) missions at Diego Garcia in support of Pacific Command.


-- Offered to provide "whatever necessary" to assist the United States in OEF.

-- Provides blanket overflight rights.

-- Will provide military forces to the International Security Assistance Force.


-- Belgium is providing one officer to the Coalition Intelligence Center (CIC) at CENTCOM and one officer to the Regional Air Movement Control Center (RAMCC) to serve as deputy chief of operations.

-- Belgium Air Force C-130 aircraft delivered a high-protein food supplement (UNIMIX) from Denmark to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, and an A-310 (Airbus) delivered 250,000 vaccinations for children under the United Nations Children's fund (UNICEF) program.

-- Belgium led the largest multinational Humanitarian Assistance (HA) mission, which included Belgium, Spain, Netherlands and Norway. This mission provided 90 metric tons of UNIMIX to feed starving children in Afghanistan and set the standard for follow-on HA operations.

-- Belgium contributed four people to Operation Noble Eagle [ONE] supporting U.S. homeland security efforts at Tinker Air Force Base.

-- In support of (ISAF), a Belgian C-130 with aircrew and maintenance crew (25 people) arrived in Karachi on April 10, 2002. They will stay in Karachi and execute part of the 400 dedicated C-130 flight hours for ISAF. The crew and aircraft are working on a one-month rotation schedule.


-- Will provide basing and overflight rights upon request -- standard clearance authority for overflights.

-- Provided basing for six KC-135 aircraft to support humanitarian flights into Afghanistan during November and December 2001.

-- Provided 40-person Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) decontamination unit to support ISAF.

-- Bulgaria recently offered the following equipment in support of GWOT:

-- 2 TMM Heavy Mechanized Bridges
-- 2 Bulldozer BAT
-- 2 Excavator E-305 BV
-- 50 Generator Sets (1KW)
-- 50 Generator Sets (1-45KW)
-- 50 Generator Sets (8-30KW)
-- 1 MAFS (filtration system)
-- 6 Trucks Zil-131


-- Contributed the first coalition Task Group to arrive in CENTCOM AOR.

-- Canada currently has 2,100 personnel in the CENTCOM AOR (1,100 land, 200 air and 800 naval personnel). To date, 3,400 personnel have deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

-- The Canadian Naval Forces have been engaged in Maritime Interception Operations, Leadership Interdiction Operations (LIO), escort duties and general maritime surveillance between the North Arabian Gulf and the North Arabian Sea. Seven ships deployed to OEF from October 2001 to April 2002.

-- Canadian Air Force CC 150 Polaris (Airbus) and three CC 130 (Hercules) aircraft have conducted strategic and tactical airlift. They have moved more than 10.4 million pounds of freight to date.

-- Two CP 140 Aurora (P3C) aircraft are employed in MIO/LIO as part of Carrier Task Force 57. Eighty-four missions and 746 flight hours have been logged to date. Organic helicopter assets have flown 930 missions for more than 2,900 hours.

-- Special Operations Forces are currently in Afghanistan performing the full spectrum of missions.

-- HMCS TORONTO, while operating in the North Arabian Sea, intercepted a small vessel laden with 4,500 pounds of hashish (valued at more than $60 million). Its crew abandoned the vessel during the interception. The cargo and vessel were subsequently destroyed.

-- Canada's Light Infantry Battle Group has deployed as part of TF (Task Force) Rakkasan with 828 personnel and 12 COYOTE armored reconnaissance vehicles. These forces have been deployed to Kandahar for security and combat operations. Their successes include:

-- They led Operation Harpoon from March 13-16, 2002. Investigated 30 caves and four mortar positions. Action resulted in three enemy killed in action.

-- They conducted patrol on March 18, 2002, in the Kandahar region that uncovered a cache of weapons (including three thermobaric launchers).

-- They are continuing to conduct Civil Military Cooperation (CIMIC) efforts in the Kandahar area.

-- They provided the Quick Reaction Force that deployed from Kandahar to secure the site of an Apache helicopter which crashed on April 10, 2002.

Czech Republic

-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on November 9, 2001. Currently, there are four personnel at CENTCOM.

-- The Czech Republic is providing basing and overflight permission for all coalition and U.S. forces.

-- There are 251 personnel deployed to Camp Doha, Kuwait, to perform local training as well as AOR-wide Consequence Management (CM) support.

-- The Czech Republic has donated 1,000 military uniforms to support the Afghan National Army (ANA).

-- The 6th Field Hospital, consisting of 150 personnel, is deployed to Bagram, Afghanistan, to provide medical support to the ISAF.

-- The air force is providing one TU-154 aircraft with a mission to support NATO Airborne Early Warning (AEW). The aircraft has conducted 46 flights, transporting 733 persons and 11 tons of cargo.


-- Approximately 100 Special Operation Forces personnel have deployed to the AOR as part of a multinational unit under U.S. command.

-- Denmark suffered three killed and three wounded in action supporting ISAF operations.

-- The Danish Air Force is providing one C-130 aircraft with 77 crew and support personnel. Additionally, the Danish Air Force will deploy four F-16 aircraft in an air-to-ground role with pilots and support personnel in October. These assets are on standby in Denmark.


-- Signed agreements securing overflight, landing, seaport and basing rights and supports maritime interception operations (MIO).

-- Preparing to send liaison officer to CENTCOM.

-- French Level III medical facilities made available for use as needed.


-- Egypt has provided overflight permission for all U.S. and coalition forces.

-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on November 28, 2001. There are currently two personnel at CENTCOM.


-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on June 1, 2002. Currently there are two personnel at CENTCOM.


-- Following September 11, Estonia declared its national support for the global war on terrorism.

-- Approved unconditional overflight and landing rights for all U.S. and coalition partners.

-- Offered two explosive detection dog teams for airbase operations.

-- Offered 10 cargo handlers as part of Danish contingent deployed to Manas, Kyrgyzstan.


-- Agreed to all requests for support to OEF.

-- Offered access for basing, overflights and site surveys.

-- Sent liaison officers to CENTCOM in May 2002.


-- The Finnish Military Liaison team at CENTCOM continues to concentrate especially on civil-military operations with an objective to facilitate cooperation and coordination between ISAF, OEF and U.N. operations in Afghanistan.

-- Finland is currently assisting the Afghan administration, non-governmental humanitarian organizations and military forces in Afghanistan in an effort to promote the long-term reconstruction of the country.

-- Finland is providing the largest Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) unit in Kabul in support of ISAF. This unit currently consists of nearly 50 officers.


-- There are more than 4,200 French military personnel currently operating in the CENTCOM AOR.

-- The French Air Force, deploying C-160 and C-130 aircraft to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, have provided humanitarian assistance as well as national and coalition airlift support. Two KC-135 aircraft have deployed to Manas, Kyrgyzstan, to provide aerial refueling. Six Mirage 2000 fighter aircraft have also deployed to Manas to provide close air support (CAS) capability.

-- French engineers helped construct runways, a tent city and a munitions storage facility at Manas. France also provided airfield security (with dogs), a field mess unit, a deployable weather bureau, and a Civil Military Operations (CMO) team.

-- France deployed an infantry company to Mazar-e-Sharif to provide area security up to December 2001.

-- Two French officers are currently serving as air coordinators at the Regional Air Movement Control Center.

-- Atlantique aircraft deployed in Djibouti under national control are participating daily in Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions.

-- France provided its only Carrier Battle Group to support combat operations in the North Arabian Sea. Aircraft from this Battle Group have flown more than 2,000 hours for OEF to date, supporting the coalition with air reconnaissance, strike and AEW (Airborne Early Warning) missions. France's naval contribution to OEF accounts for approximately 24 percent of their entire naval forces.

-- France is the only coalition country to be flying fighter aircraft from Manas airfield in Kyrgyzstan. Their Mirage and tanker aircraft actively supported the coalition during Operation Anaconda in March and are maintaining their full combat and support capabilities for further operations.

-- Kabul Medical Institute: The World Health Organization, French Embassy, Loma Linda (a non-governmental organization) and French forces (500 personnel) inserted into ISAF are working to make major improvements to the Kabul Medical Institute -- with equipment, books and a new curriculum. The student body of about 2,800 includes 544 women.


-- Offered to provide "whatever necessary" to assist the United States in OEF.

-- Provides blanket overflight rights.

-- Cooperating with the United States to train and equip Georgian military forces for counter-terrorist missions.


-- There are 2,800 German personnel currently operating within the CENTCOM AOR.

-- Germany has taken the lead in the establishment and training of the Afghan police force.

-- German Special Operations Forces are currently in Afghanistan performing the full spectrum of SOF missions.

-- The German Navy has had three Frigates, one Fast Patrol Boat Group (five units) and four supply ships operating out of Djibouti, in the Gulf of Aden area, since January 2002. Additionally, there are two German Sea King helicopters based in Djibouti.

-- A German A-310 (Airbus) aircraft is on alert in Germany for use as a medevac [medical evacuation] platform.

-- Germany is leading and supporting the Kabul Multinational Brigade (KMNB) by providing its commander, a majority of the KMNB staff, one battalion-sized Infantry Task Force, field hospital and other combat support troops. This force is supported by an air transport element operating out of Uzbekistan.

-- Employment of Afghan war widows -- the U.S. Agency for International Development and CJCMOTF [Coalition Joint Civil-Military Operations Task Force] are planning to employ Afghan war widows to make uniforms for the Kabul police force, a micro-industry proposal made possible by a German contribution of 10 million Euros to help train and equip the police force.

-- Germany is conducting air transport flights in support of Humanitarian Assistance missions primarily in Afghanistan.

-- This is the first time German ships and maritime patrol aircraft have been operationally involved in a Middle East deployment in more than 50 years. Three German maritime patrol aircraft began conducting reconnaissance operations from Mombassa, Kenya. Germany conducted HA flights to support relief efforts for earthquake victims in Afghanistan.

-- Germany conducted HA flights to support relief efforts for earthquake victims in Afghanistan.


-- Greek Frigate Psara has been in CENTCOM's AOR since March 15th, conducting operations under the operational control of Coalition Forces Maritime Component Commander (CFMCC). This frigate is of the MEKO type and one of the most sophisticated vessels in Greece's inventory. It is manned with a crew of 210 and carries one S-70 BA Aegean Hawk helicopter and one Special Forces team. It has the ability to perform and execute a large variety of missions. It will be replaced in three months by another frigate of the same type, so there will be constant Greek naval presence in the area of interest.

-- The facilities of the Greek Naval Base and Airbase of Souda, Crete, are used as forward logistic sites to support ships and aircraft moving in the area, as well as other basing settlements across the country.

-- One Air Force officer is going to be assigned as an operations officer of the RAMCC, and one Navy liaison officer will deploy to Bahrain.

-- Greece is very active in ISAF operations:

-- One Greek Engineer Company of 112 men and 64 engineering vehicles have been operating in Kabul.

-- Two C-130 transport aircraft with a support security team of 56 personnel have deployed to Karachi, Pakistan, for tactical airlift in support of ISAF operations.

-- Greek staff officers have been assigned to Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) in Great Britain and to ISAF HQ in Kabul.

-- NATO Operations in the Mediterranean Sea:

-- One Greek frigate and a counter-mine ship have been conducting surveillance and mine sweeping operations respectively in East Mediterranean Sea.

-- Additionally, Greece has offered two more vessels and a number of Air Force sorties in support of Operation Active Endeavour against international terrorism.


-- Provided a frigate for escorting coalition shipping through the Straits of Malacca.

-- Made shipyards available for coalition ship repairs.

-- Opened ports for naval port calls.


-- The Italian Air Force is planning to deploy one C-130 plus one Boeing 707 to Manas airfield following initial force rotation.

-- Italian self-deployment of a 43-man engineer team to Bagram for the repairing of the runway is complete.

-- Italian personnel are committed to both OEF and ISAF operations. A 400-man regimental task force was deployed on January 15, 2002, in order to provide ISAF area and site security in the Kabul area. Italy is providing three C-130s (two operating from Abu Dhabi) and leasing one B-707, one AN-124, and one IL-76 in support of ISAF.

-- Italy provided its only Carrier Battle Group to support combat operations in the North Arabian Sea. They deployed more than 13 percent of their entire naval forces for use in OEF. The "De La Penne" Group (one destroyer and one frigate) relieved the Carrier Battle Group on March 15, 2002. Italian frigate "Euro" transited the Suez Canal on May 8 to relieve both combatants on station.

-- Italy moved more than 17,000 pounds. (27 cubic meters) of supplies and equipment from Brindisi to Islamabad, Pakistan, on March 19, 2002. Supplies/equipment included a forklift and equipment from the World Food Program.

-- On April 18, Italian aircraft and security force transported former King Mohammed Zahir Shah and Afghan Interim Authority leader Hamid Karzai from Rome to Kabul without incident.


-- Provided fleet refueling capability, placing two refueling/replenishment ships and three support/protection destroyers in the AOR. Through mid-May this force has conducted 75 at-sea replenishments of coalition ships and provided 34.1 million gallons of F-76 fuel to U.S. and U.K. vessels.

-- Also as of mid-May, six C-130 aircraft had completed 51 missions consisting of 166 sorties with 773 tons of cargo and 123 passengers in support of resupply and transport requirements within the Pacific Command (PACOM) AOR.

-- On May 17, the Government of Japan approved a six-month extension of the Basic Plan authorizing the Self Defense Forces to continue these efforts.


An "Aardvark" mine clearing unit and personnel are currently deployed to Kandahar, and have cleared mines from more than 70,000 square meters in both Bagram and Kandahar.

-- Jordan has provided basing and overflight permission for all U.S. and coalition forces.

-- As of June 6, 2002, the Jordanian hospital in Mazar-e-Sharif has helped 68,811 patients:
-- Military: 1,055
-- Civilian: Women - 26,763; Men - 22,930; Children - 18,063.
-- Performed 798 surgeries.


-- Has provided overflight and allowed transshipment of supplies to U.S. forces in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.


-- Has continuously offered support to OEF operations, including access, overflight, basing and supporting MI0.

-- Sending LNO [liaison officer] to CENTCOM in June 2002.


-- Kuwait has provided basing and overflight permission for all U.S. and coalition forces.

-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on February 14, 2002. There are currently three personnel at CENTCOM to support current operations in OEF.


-- Has provided basing and overflight rights for U.S. and coalition personnel.

-- Under the United Nations World Food Program, Kyrgyzstan -- along with Russia and Tajikistan -- has delivered 16,500 tons of flour and wheat to the northern provinces of Afghanistan.


-- Following September 11, Latvia declared its national support for the global war on terrorism.

-- Approved use of airspace, airfields and ports for GWOT.

-- Offered 10 cargo handlers as part of Danish contingent deployed to Manas, Kyrgyzstan.

-- As part of backfill, has offered to double (to two infantry companies) SFOR (Stabilization Force in Bosnia) contributions and more than double (to 25 soldiers) KFOR (Kosovo Peacekeeping Force) contributions.


-- Following September 11, Lithuania declared its national support for the global war on terrorism.

-- Approved use of airspace, airfields and ports for GWOT.

-- Offered 10 cargo handlers as part of Danish contingent deployed to Manas, Kyrgyzstan.

-- Scheduled to deploy an ambulance with medics as part of a Czech Republic contingent.

-- Offered SOF (platoon, military divers, translators, minesweeper, aircraft and maintenance support to SFOR/KFOR.


-- Has approved all requests for overflight clearance since September 11.

-- Has provided access to Malaysian intelligence.


-- An Air Force KDC-10 is currently deployed to al-Udeid, Qatar. To date, C-130 aircraft have completed three HA flights under national flag. The Netherlands will soon deploy one C-130 aircraft to Manas to assist with the logistics hub movement of cargo from that airport.

-- Dutch F-16s will be deployed to Manas in October.

-- Two Dutch naval frigates are currently operating in the CENTCOM AOR. Other naval ships, along with Air Force P-3s, will relieve U.S. units in the U.S. Southern Command AOR.

-- The Netherlands has contributed more than 220 troops to ISAF.

-- On March 27, 2002, an NLD officer, filling the role as a planner, arrived at the RAMCC.

-- To date, Netherlands Civil Military Operations (CMO) in coordination with Netherlands armed forces and Afghanistan Interim Authority, have rebuilt three schools in Kabul.

-- Netherlands CMO has built playground at Lycee Botkhak elementary school in Kabul.

-- Netherlands Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Development Aid continue to plan and finance Humanitarian Assistance projects such as schools and water supply facilities.

New Zealand

-- New Zealand Special Air Service (SAS) troops work alongside the forces of other nations in Afghanistan. They fill an important role, as part of the international effort, to stabilize the area. (Note: NZ has a policy of neither confirming nor denying the specific location, mission or techniques of the NZ SAS troops.)

-- New Zealand provided logistics and humanitarian airlift support in Afghanistan with Air Force C-130 aircraft. These aircraft were made available to help move the backlog of equipment and supplies needed for OEF.

-- A seven-person Air Loading Team (ALT) was deployed to support ISAF.

-- New Zealand has deployed officers to staff the ISAF headquarters.


-- Norway has deployed 162 personnel to support operations in Afghanistan.

-- Norwegian Hydrema 910 mine clearing vehicles and personnel have been responsible for clearing more than 750,000 square meters of terrain on Kandahar and Bagram airfields and surrounding areas since their deployment on January 1, 2002. A total of 1,600-1,700 mines and approximately 7,000 pieces of unexploded ordnance (UXO) have been cleared from both airfields.

-- Norway is supporting ISAF operations in Kabul with staff personnel, an EOD [explosive ordnance disposal] team, and a movement control team.

-- SOF self-deployed into Afghanistan and are currently providing a full spectrum of missions there.

-- A Norwegian Air Force C-130 aircraft is providing intra-theater tactical airlift support and support to OEF, operating from Manas airbase. On a national basis, the C-130 has conducted re-supply missions for Norwegian SOF forces and HA missions to Afghanistan.

-- Norway will deploy F-16s to Manas in October.

-- Norway's SOF exploitation missions have yielded valuable intelligence. Additionally, Norway has provided 15 hardened vehicles ($1.5 million) that are currently supporting SOF missions and providing leadership transport. In the unified effort to rebuild the Afghan Army, Norway has donated personal items and equipment for a 700-man light infantry battalion.

-- As a result of the Tokyo Donation Conference, Norway has donated $30 million to support the rebuilding effort in Afghanistan.


-- Pakistan has provided basing and overflight permission for all U.S. and coalition forces.

-- Pakistan has deployed a large number of troops along the Afghanistan border in support of OEF.

-- Pakistan has spent a large portion of its logistical reserves to support the coalition.

-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on March 14, 2002. There are currently five personnel at CENTCOM.

-- The Inter-services Intelligence (ISI) has helped in various phases of operations.


-- Granted unconditional blanket overflight clearance.

-- Offered bases for transit of U.S. forces in OEF.

-- Offered medical and logistical support for OEF.


-- Polish combat engineers and logistics platoon forces have deployed to Bagram to assist in construction and fortification work and provide logistical support for coalition forces.

-- Eight AN-124 flights were coordinated with the RAMCC to move the engineering and logistics forces. Since their arrival in mid-March, these engineers have cleared mines from more than 4,000 square meters of land.

-- A Polish SOF unit is deployed in CENTCOM's AOR and is engaged in Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) and Leadership Interdiction Operations (LIO).

-- Logistic support ship Kontradmiral X. Czernicki will deploy to AOR.


-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on December 13, 2001.

-- Currently under ISAF control, Portugal has a medical team of eight people and a C-130 with a maintenance team of 15 people.

Republic of Korea

-- A Republic of Korea naval vessel transported more than 1,000 tons of critical construction material from Singapore to Diego Garcia to support the demand for OEF building materials. Additionally, they have pledged more than $45 million to aid in the reconstruction of Afghanistan.

-- Republic of Korea has deployed a Level II hospital to Manas.

-- South Korean Air Force C-130s have flown 18 flights between Seoul, Korea and Diego Garcia, as well as five flights to Islamabad. These flights were responsible for transporting more than 45 tons of humanitarian relief supplies valued at $12 million.


-- On September 19, 2001, the Romanian Parliament approved basing and overflight permission for all U.S. and coalition partners.

-- Three liaison officers arrived at CENTCOM on December 10, 2001. One of them is working in the Coalition Intelligence Center.

-- Romania will soon deploy one infantry battalion into Afghanistan. Additionally, one Infantry Mountain Company, one Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) Company, four MiG 21-Lancer aircraft, and medical personnel have been offered.

-- For ISAF, Romania has deployed one Military Police Platoon, and one C-130 aircraft.

-- The Romanian government has delivered a large quantity of training equipment for the Afghan National Guard.

-- The Romanian Parliament recently approved the deployment of a 405-person motorized infantry battalion, a 70-person NBC company, and 10 staff officers.

-- Romania has donated the following items in support of the Afghan National Army (ANA):
-- 1,000 AK-47 assault rifles;
-- 300,000 rounds of ammunition;
-- Magazines and cleaning sets.


-- Russia started providing humanitarian assistance to the population of Afghanistan in October 2001. Russia has supported HA operations by transporting more than 420,296 tons of food commodities, 2,198 tons of medicines, 15,282 beds, 1,200 heaters, 13 mini electric power stations, 780 tents, 11,000 blankets, 49,674 bedding kits, 11,000 pieces of kitchen utensils, and nine tons of detergents.

-- In December 2001, Russian personnel started reconstruction of the Salang tunnel, a major transport structure connecting northern and southern provinces of Afghanistan. In January 2002, the Salang tunnel was officially opened for regular traffic.

-- In January 2002, as a result of a joint Russian-German project, pontoon passage across Pianj River was put into service. Together with the Salang tunnel it allowed the organization of a continuous route from Tajikistan to central region of Afghanistan for delivery of international humanitarian assistance.

-- Russia provided the first coalition hospital in Kabul on November 29, 2001. The hospital treated more than 6,000 patients before Russia turned the facility over to the local population on January 25, 2002.

-- On March 29, 2002, EMERCOM (Russia's Emergency Response Organization) deployed its mobile hospital to Nakhreen and began medical assistance to the victims of the earthquake in Afghanistan. Thus far, EMERCOM has delivered over 100 metric tons of HA supplies to the Nakhreen area to include: provisions; medicines; and means for cleaning water. Additionally, Russian rescue teams have conducted search and rescue operations throughout the area.

-- On April 24, 2002, Russia presented the Afghan government 42 special vehicles including 37 tracked, two fuel, two maintenance vehicles and two 4-wheel drive vehicles.


-- On September 18, 2001, Slovakia notified the U.S. that it would grant blanket overflight and basing rights to all coalition partners.

-- Dispatched a liaison officer to Central Command Headquarters on March 10, 2002.

-- Will deploy an engineering unit into Afghanistan. Additionally, Slovakia has offered a Special Forces regiment, NBC reconnaissance units, and a mobile field hospital.


-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on November 2, 2001. Currently, there are one Flag officer and eight personnel at CENTCOM.

-- Provided standard clearance authority for landing at air bases and overflight rights.

-- Two Navy officers are serving as national liaisons with the Coalition Forces Maritime Component Command (CFMCC) in Bahrain. One Air Force officer is serving as national representative at Manas, Kyrgyzstan. One Army officer is serving as national representative at ISAF, Kabul.

-- Spanish staff officers have been assigned to PJHQ in Great Britain and USEUCOM (U.S. European Command) in Germany.

-- One battalion-sized task force is operating in Kabul as part of ISAF.

-- Spain has deployed one P-3B to Djibouti, two C-130s to Manas, and one C-130 which accomplished its mission and is back in Spain. Two naval frigates and one AOR deployed to the CENTCOM AOR to support continued operations in OEF.

-- Spanish maritime patrol aircraft began conducting reconnaissance operations from French base in Djibouti. Spain deployed SAR helicopters to Manas on April 12.

-- As of June 6, 2002, the Spanish Hospital in Bagram has helped 7,644 patients:
-- Military: 1,300
-- Civilian: Women -- 1,550; Men -- 2,085; Children -- 2,709.
-- Performed 86 surgeries.


-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on March 28, 2002. There are currently two personnel at CENTCOM.

-- An intelligence unit consisting of 45 personnel has been deployed to ISAF headquarters.

-- Deployed two C-130 transport aircraft in support of ISAF.

-- Provided logistics support for humanitarian aid distribution provided by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency.

-- [Will provide] bilateral humanitarian and reconstruction assistance amounting to $100 million for the period 2002-2004, with an emphasis on health care and primary education.


-- Provided overflight rights and allowed basing of U.S. forces to coordinate HA operations and airlift control.


-- Providing land corridor for HA shipments to Afghanistan. Providing refueling support to U.S. personnel conducting HA operations.

-- Granted overflight permission for planes carrying Humanitarian Assistance.


-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on October 10, 2001. There are currently three personnel at CENTCOM headed by a brigadier general.

-- Turkey is providing one officer to PJHQ, three officers and one non-commissioned officer to ISAF headquarters and two officers to KMNB headquarters.

-- Turkish Special Forces LNO [are] working with Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force - Afghanistan.

-- Turkey has provided basing and overflight permission for all U.S. and coalition forces.

-- One Turkish officer is scheduled to work as a planning officer at the Regional Air Movement Control Center (RAMCC).

-- Turkey continues to provide KC-135 aerial refueling support for OEF and Operation Northern Watch.

-- Turkey has five ships participating in NATO counter-terrorism operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Aksaz Naval Base and Antalya Sea Port are being used to support these ships.

-- Turkey will assume the position as lead nation for the second phase of ISAF operations in Afghanistan, increasing their personnel to a battalion.

-- One infantry unit, along with one EOD team amounting to 269 personnel, is operating in Kabul as part of ISAF.

-- Turkish personnel are directly involved in training and equipping 1 BANG [1st Battalion Afghan National Guard].

-- Air Force Command personnel conducted site surveys for possible airfields in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to be used in HA, CAS and airborne operations flights.


-- Has provided overflight permission for all U.S. and coalition forces.

-- Offered access to three air bases to U.S. forces.

-- Proposed to lease an IL-76 aircraft for humanitarian airlift.

United Arab Emirates

-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on November 1, 2001. There are currently three personnel at CENTCOM.

United Kingdom

-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on September 18, 2001. There are currently 40 personnel at CENTCOM. The U.K. also has staff attached to every major U.S. component command.

-- Major General Fry serves as deputy commander for all coalition naval forces in theater, responsible for coordinating extensive operations. British forces have participated in MIO and Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM) operations.

-- The Royal Air Force has provided aircraft throughout the region and contributed high-value assets in the critical areas of aerial refueling, Airborne Early Warning (AEW), and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR).

-- U.K. ground forces have participated in both OEF and ISAF missions. A company of Royal Marines from 40-Commando deployed to Kabul and has contributed to airfield security and mine clearing operations, including the provision of special equipment at both Bagram and Kabul International airports.

-- The U.K. was the first nation to send military representatives and campaign planners to CENTCOM.

-- The U.K. has deployed the largest naval task force since the Gulf War to support OEF. Additionally, they have provided the only coalition TLAM platforms to launch missiles during the commencement of OEF hostilities.

-- The U.K. assumed the lead for the initial ISAF operation.

-- The U.K. deployed a 1,700-person infantry battle group to Afghanistan, built around 45-Commando, Royal Marines. These arctic and mountain warfare-trained troops are now operating as part of a U.S.-led brigade.


-- Uzbekistan has provided basing and overflight permission for U.S. and coalition forces.

-- Country representatives arrived at CENTCOM on December 26, 2001. There are currently four personnel at CENTCOM.

(end fact sheet)