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Welcome To MTOM!  We're glad you're here!What's inside this site
Group of teens


This site was designed with you in mind. Maybe you’ve had to relocate a zillion times. Sometimes you’ve lived in really cool places and other times, well, maybe it wasn’t so cool. We know how difficult and stressful it can be to have to move, say goodbye to your friends, switch schools, start over and all that.

So, grab a soda, get yourself comfortable and start clicking your way to your new home, your new school and your new life.


We're Moving...Again

You just found out you are moving and you’ve got some feelings to sort through.


Your New Life

What to expect at your new installation, school, community. We’ve got tons of links so you can learn all about your future home.


Military Teen's Moving Guide

The worst part about moving! Loading up and saying goodbye.


Living Your Life

As a teenager, you’ve got a lot going on. This section gives you some easy ways to get involved, maintain your old friendships, make some new ones and deal with life in general.