Current Lab StatusThe Status of the Lab was last set at 11:12:55 AM 3/19/2004 OpenAs of 10:16:09 PM on 10/14/2004 the lab status is:

When severe weather conditions develop(prior to the start of the normal workday)
 warranting the declaration of a weather emergency, the Laboratory will announce any changes
 to regular work schedules as early as possible, normally by 5:45 am via this webpage or the following:

Laboratory Telephone Hotline (609) 243-2034
University Weather Emergency Hotline (609) 258-SNOW

 This page and the Hotlines will be updated as soon as possible when there is an alteration in
 normal work schedules due to a weather emergency.

HOWEVER, The Laboratory's primary mechanism for notification is the Department "Calling Tree".
 Please review your Department "Calling Tree" with your Supervisor.