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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL: Fueling the Future
"Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory: Fueling the Future" presents an overview of the Laboratory's research program. The video includes a basic introduction to the principles of magnetic fusion energy, a mission synopsis of PPPL's current major fusion experiment, the National Spherical Torus Experiment, and descriptions of fusion devices proposed for the future. These include the National Compact Stellarator Experiment, being built at PPPL, and the international ITER project. Information on the application of plasma physics to solve near-term problems is also presented.

The video can be viewed in the following screen sizes. The larger the screen size the bigger the download file. Run time is 15 minutes and 45 seconds.

QuickTime Logo You will need QuickTime Player to view the following movies. QuickTime is available for Macs and Windows PCs. A free Player can be downloaded from the Apple website.


PPPL: Fueling the Future
Viewing size is 160 by 120 pixels.
File Size is 4.6 MB.


PPPL: Fueling the Future
Viewing size is 240 by 180 pixels.
File Size is 23 MB.


PPPL: Fueling the Future
Viewing size is 320 by 240 pixels.
File Size is 56.3 MB.

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Created: 29 July 2004
Send questions or comments to: Carol A. Phillips at