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Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

PPPL Logo -- Download Files
for Printed Material and Webpages

Printed Material
(Viewgraphs, Papers, Posters)

Note: All of the Macintosh files have been compressed using Stuffit. When a file is downloaded, two files appear on your computer. The graphic file is the one without the "hqx" at the end of the file name.

If you are using a PostScript printer (such as an Apple LaserWriter) and a program that can import Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) graphics (such as Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe PageMaker, and most modern word processors), you should download one of the EPS graphics below. These EPS graphics can be resized without loss of print quality.

Mac EPS (159K)

PC EPS (64K)

If you are using MacDraw Pro or Claris Draw, do not have access to a PostScript printer, or you are using a program that cannot import Encapsulated PostScript, such as MacDraw, download one of the 150 dpi bitmapped graphics below. For good printing results, these graphics should not be resized.

0.5 inch width 1.0 inch width 1.5 inch width 2.0 inch width
Mac PICT (13K) Mac PICT (19K) Mac PICT (23K) Mac PICT (27K)

2.5 inch width 3.0 inch width 3.5 inch width 4.0 inch width
Mac PICT (32K) Mac PICT (37K) Mac PICT (42K) Mac PICT (47K)
PC TIFF (58K) PC TIFF (82K) PC TIFF (110K) PC TIFF (142K)

Web Pages

The 72-dpi GIF graphics below can be used on the web. Be sure to specify in your HTML the exact pixel dimensions given here. These graphics should not be resized.

Click on any graphic to download it.

72 x 28 pixels 144 x 56 pixels 216 x 84 pixels
1-inch PPPL Logo 2-inch PPPL Logo 3-inch PPPL Logo

U.S. Department of Energy Logo Princeton University Logo Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Logo
PPPL is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed by Princeton University.

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Updated: 1 April 1999
This page created with help from Andy Baird.
Questions or comments to: Carol A. Phillips at