Local Climatological Information

Local climate statistics are computed by the ESH-17 Meteorology team for a variety of applications. The data archive for precipitation and temperature goes back to 1910. Routine wind measurements began around 1980. Statistical analyses of all the important meteorological variables are discussed in Los Alamos Climatology by B. M. Bowen, 1990 (LA-11735-MS).

Climatic Normals and Extremes for Los Alamos and White Rock
Climatic averages (or normals) and extremes are based on the data files described above. Averages are computed for a 30 - year record, if it exists, ending on a decade. We are now using the 1961 - 1990 period for Los Alamos. Because observations in White Rock only go back to 1965, we are basing normals for that station on the 1965 - 1994 period. Extremes are based on the entire record through the previous month.

Wind Statistics
Wind Climatology is characterized with a special frequency distribution plot called the wind rose. In the wind rose plot, the length of the spoke is proportional to the frequency with which the wind blows from the indicated direction. Wind statistics are available for daytime, nighttime, and the full 24 hours. Daytime is defined as the period from sunrise to sunset.

Annual Summaries
These are annual weather summaries for the past eleven years, showing monthly temperature ranges, monthly precipitation totals, and monthly snowfall totals, as well as 30-year normals for those variables. Annual averages and totals, along with 30-year normals, are also included.

Brief Climatology
This brief climatology contains all the "official" statistics, and you are encouraged to use it in documents requiring LANL site characterization. Work continues on characterization of canyon flow, the surface energy balance, and regional wind patterns, and material on these topics will be added as time permits.

This form returns sunrise and sunset information for a user-specified latitude, longitude, and date. Solar and lunar parameters can also returned for the current day for Los Alamos using this form.


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Last Modified: Thursday, October 07, 1999