The Weather Machine

The Los Alamos Weather Machine is a collaborative effort between the people in CIC-12 and ESH-17 of Los Alamos National Laboratory. It is an outgrowth of the ESH-17 meteorological monitoring program. This monitoring program, which is required by U. S. Department of Energy orders in support of Laboratory operations and emergency preparedness, is described in the Meteorological Monitoring Plan.

At the suggestion of Lee Ankeny, the original Gopher version of the Weather Machine was set up in 1993. The http version, with a revised home page, was established in 1995. In 1996 Darrell Holt and Lee added the data access capability to the http version. Jeff Baars and Greg Stone contributed documentation, design ideas/implementation, and overall meteorological direction. Julie Jensen contributed early design ideas, and Anne Garnett and Carolyn Robinson provided editorial help.

The Weather Machine also provides links to Internet sites at the Ohio State University and Unisys for current weather conditions around the country and selected weather forecast products.

Meteorological Monitoring Program
Mail Stop K490 Telephone 505-667-7079
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM 87545

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Document (intro.html) Revised June 16, 1998