LANL Weather Machine

Conditions on Pajarito Mountain [notes]

Elevation 10,360 ft
October 14, 2004, 22:00 MST (+1 hour for MDT)
Updated on the hour 7 a.m to 5 p.m.

Wind (118 ft above ground)

Speed (mph) 21.6
Direction (from, deg) 315
Maximum gust since 00 MST (mph) 38.0

Atmospheric State Variables (near the ground)

Temperature (deg-F) 
     Current 40.9
     Minimum since 00 MST 27.3
     Maximum since 00 MST 45.8
Dew point temperature (deg-F) 20.8
Relative Humidity (%) 44
Pressure (in-Hg) 20.6

Precipitation (in)

The snow depth measurement below does not represent snowfall and accumulation at lower levels on the mountain.This is a single point measurement on top of a peak that is scoured by winds. The siting criteria included: not being a danger to skiers; near a power source and other instrumentation on the adjacent tower; and, trees to provide a natural windbreak.
Current snow depth (+/- 0.5) 2.8
 Water EquivalentSnowfall
Last 15 minutes 0.00(not computed)
Last hour 0.000.0
Since 00 MST 0.000.0

Missing data entered as "*"

Los Alamos National Laboratory
Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
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Last Modified: Wednesday, October 06, 1999